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Help for a script with setscale


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Im trying to make a script for power armour which increases the scale by 1.05. When the power armour is taken off, the player/NPC should return to their ORIGINAL scale.

Can anyone help me troubleshoot or suggest a better script? Everything works at the moment I think. Does it look ok, any improvements or suggestions?


Basically im asking for help with cleaning the script. A possible side effect could be that when killing NPCs with power armour and looting them, they remain large. Also I dont believe that this script takes account into the original height of the NPC???


scn 00PowerArmour

float fScale
reference rUser
begin GameMode
if rUser != GetContainer
set rUser to GetContainer
if rUser.GetEquipped 00powerarmourmod ==1
if rUser.GetScale != 1.05
set fScale to rUser.GetScale
rUser.SetScale 1.05
BEGIN OnUnequip
set fScale to rUser.GetScale
rUser.SetScale 1.0
Edited by MoonHoplite
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