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I've not posted an idea for a bit and came up with one that could be fun. R.O.V.E.R Radio Operated Violent Encounter Robot.loaded with 10 frag grenades your Rover can be sent into an enemy position and will begin lobbing grenades until out or damaged beyond function. Rover can be repaired and re armed after each encounter using scrap metal sensor modules energy cells and 10 frag grenades.Rover will target an area then begin lobbing.in all directions. stand back and watch the fun.

Not sure if such a mod can be done but I'd love to see someone give it a try.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is a really cool idea. I also don't know how possible it is, but hopefully putting it on the front page will catch the attention of someone who does. I think it's also be nice to be able to detonate all the grenades at once.


~ Acavedo

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As long as we can use it to make suicide charges with ten mininukes installed I'm for sure gonna download.
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might be possible if any modder will give it a try.... to make two versions of Rover.. one with grenades and one with mini nukes.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Halfway house between a sentry bot and the Zeta weapons drone: A mini robot which uses a modified mesh and projectile variant of the drone cannon:


Inventory object: "R.O.V.E.R" (token object ie, cardboard box world object) -activate-> Menu asking which grenade type to load -select type (possibly + number)-> rover token is removed from inventory along with appropriate number/type of grenades and rover bot is spawned (moveto) near the player.


The next bit is trickier, deciding on how the bot would engage potential targets. As far as I'm aware, no-one has created a "marker gun" ie a gun which will get the reference of the person it is shot at without them realising someone has shot at them. Possibly the most logical would be a modified grenade object which the PC would throw into the area they want rover to head. The grenade won't have an explosion, but will make the robot home in on it's location when it does "explode". Rover will then head to the target area and engage any enemies on the way until it reaches the target area, or runs out of ammo (or a timer condition passes), then it heads back to the player who can "pick it up" (ie activate), and it is "despawned" and the rover token is added again (along with any unused grenades).


I'm not a fan of the mini-nuke / suicide idea, but this idea shouldn't be too hard to modify. A single generic grenade launcher/grenade projectile mesh would do all grenade types, mini-nukes would need a custom mesh / weapon. I reckon just get a grenade version out first, the nukebot could come later.

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