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Fawkes gun display error


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As always, sorry if this has been asked before and solved, but I couldn't find a fix for this, or anyone else with this error for that matter, at all. Basically, my problem is that ammo backpacks/crates/whichever you prefer, are displaying floating beside Fawkes' right arm! This applies to every gun it seems, as I used the console to add a 10mm to his inventory and equip it on him, and it also floated there. Once Fawkes detects a threat though, he will equip and display whatever weapon correctly. But, once the enemy dies and he puts away his weapon, let's say Gatling Laser, the ammo backpack shows up floating by his arm again! I can walk through the backpack, but I can talk to him if I'm over it, and it also seems to be a huge hinderance for him because he can barely get through any interior now. I found out the cause of this floating backpack though, it's the archive invalidation invalidated.bsa. I checked all other mods I have, a whopping total of 4 that should have nothing at all to do with this anyway (and I can post them if you prefer.) and they have no effect. It's only when I get rid of the archive...bsa that the backpack appears on his back. Also, this doesn't happen to me or anyone else as far as I know, only on Fawkes. Can someone please help? Also, this just started last night in Vault 92, but it occurs on any save I load, and I've been running the Archive....bsa for a couple months and a lot of play time was with Fawkes. Thanks for reading,



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