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Help with mods!!


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Ok, i have downloaded several mods, extracted the esm and esp into my data folder.... when i load fallout and acsess the mod content something is the wrong colour or is replaced by a floating red tri-angle with a white ! on it.

Also i have put the WinRAR thing in data aswell....... so could anyone explain what i'm doing wrong?


i have FOMM and i have ticked the esp and esm for the mods and add-ons i want active.....

and what is FOSE?

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The 'winrar' thing is an archive that most likely contains meshes (models) and/or textures (colors). These need to be extracted into the proper folders for most mods to work, and then you also need some form of 'archive invalidation invalidatedas well. FOMM can do this and you can also download and install the mod version of this (Recommended as you only have to do this once, whereas the FOMM button must be pushed every time you add new files).
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