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yuhhy777 - BANNED

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yuhhy777 banned.




Reason for the ban


Upload of copyright material.


File: Into the Danger Zone - removed.



Absolutely no copyrighted work is to be used without permission of the original creator. This includes content from other games, from DLCs, music creators or from other file authors. This also includes members from countries that do not recognise copyright laws.


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Giving credit does not overide the requirement for actually having the copyright owners pemission. Nearly all published music is owned by the big music companies who sue websites for allowing THEIR property to be freely distributed. You are not going to get that permission from a big music company. However, if the artist has not sold the copyright, you may contact the artist to ask for permission to use their work - a few have allowed it.


Giving credit is a way to thank an author or artist for giving you permission to use their work, not an excuse to take their work without permission and do whatever you want with it.

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