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Point lookout mod doesn't activate

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I have been playing a game for now 60+ hours. I decided to go to point lookout but then I notice I haven't gotten the map marker nor the start quest. All the other official mods work fine. Is this a"regular" bug that I can fix with a console command or something ? I can't remember where the ferry was supposed to be so I can't go and look if it's really there despite the missing quest and marker.


On a sidenote I tried running fallout with just point lookout mod activated, still no quest or map marker


I usually use the FWE, marts mutant mod and EVE



Any assistance will be greatly appriciated

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It's due south of the BOS outpost, on the west side of the river as far down as you can go before actually crossing into the borderlands. Pfft if your mods break your DLC's what is the point of using the mods? In a build I test vanilla, then add DLC test that, then add mods an test further. "in so many words" guide might help you http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13100
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It's due south of the BOS outpost, on the west side of the river as far down as you can go before actually crossing into the borderlands. Pfft if your mods break your DLC's what is the point of using the mods? In a build I test vanilla, then add DLC test that, then add mods an test further. "in so many words" guide might help you http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13100


I will go look. Thank you for the assistance :)


Well, I played this DLC before, but want it to be much harder this time, hence the mods :) Usually I would test these mods on advance too before starting the character, but since they looked so clean on the FOWE load order suggestion list (and the massive inter-mod list) , I assumed it would work for me too. which it has for everything except this Point Lookout.


Kudos to you for trying to help me !

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