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How to make a follower?


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Hi all, as some of you already been reading in my mod topic, I am working on a huge mod. But what is a good mod without followers? So I am planning to add at least 2 new followers that are optional addons for my mod. But so far I havn't been able to get even a bit started since it seems to be harder then changing things or building things.


1. Can someone make a complete tutorial about this for everyone that just started out or was having the same question


2. Can someone add in a rough idea how to start out


3. How can I add in a healer function (and what to add)


4. How can I add repair/merchant skills to a follower?

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not getting further then step 1 with that link. Step 2 is pretty much impossible to figure out so far i could try it. I already got my follower this far without using any tutorial.


"Navigate to the "Quest" subcategory of the "Actor Data" category in the Object Window, and as before, right-click and select "New"."


I only mean that this is had to find in the GECK so far i been seeing, does the GECK use other names or something?


thanks for the tip though

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You need to get a little familiar with the geck then. The Geck has three windows:


The Render window - where you see the cell you are working on

The Cell View Window - where you choose the cell to work on

The Object window - where you select objects to place in your cell.


"Navigate to the "Quest" subcategory of the "Actor Data" category in the Object Window, and as before, right-click and select "New"."


This is pretty straight forward to me, but in reverse.


Go to the Objects window and find the Category called "Actor Data" expand the tree (hit the little '+' sign) and then look for the sub-category called "Quest". Then right click in the list of quests that appear on the right side of the Object window and select "New". This will allow you to make a new quest - something that you will need to run your follower. Quests control things like dialogue and quest stages and quest objectives.

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