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Custom Lesser Power Spells Won't add to race.


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I made some Lesser Power spells to work more like "buffs".

For example-

Mischief- Fortify strength, speed, alchemy, resto. All by 100 for 300 seconds. For combat

Burgle- Fortify sneak, security, athletics, acrobatics. All by 100 for 300 seconds. For cave and ruin exploration and escapes.

Trickster- Fortify speechcraft, mercantile, illusion, acrobatics. All by 100 for 300 seconds. For doing business with merchants and leading enemies over cliffs and into other mobs, while I run away and watch from a distance.


The idea is to be able to assume a "roll" depending on what I'm about to do.

This came from my Burglar that I play on LotRo.

I created these 3 lesser powers, even though they are more like attributes or personalities for my Fallohide race. One of the 3 types of Hobbits.


When I add them to my race and start the game, they never show up. On one occasion one of them showed up and it worked.


This happens when I have no Hobbit save and am starting a new game.

Each Lesser Power has it's own esp and I have installed them directly to the data folder or OBMM with the same results.

I'm running quite a few mods, like 70 or so.

They are late in the mod list since they are all new mods.

I'm running COBL and Wrye Bash.


Maybe there is something that I'm not doing in COBL or Wrye?


I asked this same question last week and got a good answer but I'm asking again because I didn't have any of the details in the post.

Any help will be appreciated even if it's the same answer I got last time from the same person! Lol.


I know, these abilities seem OP but keep in mind that my Hobbit has no combat abilities (aside from 10 marksman for throwing things with Unnecessary Violence) to start with and I'm running MMM.

Once I get this figured out, if I can, I will be making a blunt skillet weapon, lol!

Thanks guys.

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