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Mod for Interior Map?


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I'm wondering if somebody who has more knowledge than me (which is none) would be so kind to make, or direct me to, a mod that generates separate maps for individual interior levels. I'm tired of running in circles and into walls because all the levels look like one floor on my pipboy. For whoever can use the reference, I'm looking for something that is more like the interior map style of Skyrim.


Please, tell me somebody can help me...



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It's not possible. The local map is generated from all the objects in a cell which have the "On Local Map" flag ticked, so you can actually make more detailed local maps by setting this flag on more objects. I started a project to do this once, but I quickly gave up, because interior cells with overlapping floors will always be a mess, no matter what you do. If I were to resume the project one day it would be restricted to exteriors.


If there were a scripting function to set that particular flag on objects, it would be possible to change which objects were to be shown on the map depending on the players elevation on the Z axis. That probably wouldn't work in a lot of cases though, since some objects overlap on the Z axis as well. The alternative would be to manually divide the objects in each and every cell into sections that would have the flag toggled on/off depending on the players location. Far, far, far too much work for way too little payoff.


In any case, such a function doesn't exist, and I'm not going to contact the NVSE creators to see if they'd want to make it, because I honestly don't want to bother with it even if it did exist.


Sorry. :ermm:

Edited by Ladez
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Well, thanks for the good news, ha. It does sound like quite the hassle, though. Shame; the interior maps as is are pretty much useless in my opinion, but if there isn't anything to be done, then useless they will stay I suppose.


Thanks for taking the time to school me a little bit.

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