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[Modded] Perks,Followers,And the Console


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So,after attempting several things on my own,I've learned that it's a little more complicated to give yourself or an actor a specific perk with the code "addperk [iD]". I've attempted to give myself some perks to test it,because it's easier to start a new character than to muck with backed up saves,especially if I didn't leave Helgen's torture chamber,yet. Regardless,when I use the appropriate code (I use the "Help" command to get the perk ID's),the console says "Giving <ACTOR> Perk <NAME> at Rank <n>." I check the constellations,but the appropriate star isn't lit up. As a reference,I was doing this with the root perks,the ones without requirements. I tried it with Blacksmith of the Smithing tree,and Agile Defender of the Light Armour tree.


I use Skyrim Redone as my perk mod.


What do I have to do in order to give myself these perks? Is there a specific procedure? In theory,the method shouldn't change between vanilla and SkyRe,just the ID's. Do I have to add an interger after the ID,like with giving items?

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i think you have to click the perk in the console and use that reference id.


This doesn't work. The game fetches the object ID of the star,not the perk ID of the perk it represents. I just attempted this with Principles of Smithing (a new perk) and Agile Defender (an earned perk with unearned ranks).

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