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paladin helm please


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Hello Modders. I have been trying to learn how to mod and i am not a very smart person when it comes to modding.(I cant be good at everything) I have a fairly simple request for a modder, but way to difficult for me. I have a pic of the helm that is a mod that i did not make. I love this helmet,Its from the paladin equipment mod not made by me. Its one of my favorite mods But i do not like the mesh covering in back of the helmet. All i am asking is i really want someone to take that mesh covering off the back of the helmet and just have a rounded helm.(silverish looking, all one color. No mesh covering. I would gladly pay someone if they could help me please. I will never ask for anything again.Basically a long time ago i made a request for a helmet from monster hunter called a rathian helmet , but no could help me. This is the closest thing to the rathian helmet i could actually have. This is an oblivion dream for me and that is all i am asking for. I would be eternally grateful to whomever could fulfill my oblivion helm dream. I would never request another thing for anyone to ever do. And please can people stop sending me ways to do the mods myself. I have tried and have very basic computer skills in modding. I do not understand how to mod that is why im asking a modder to help me. I really dont like asking people for things but i have no choice. thankyou for reading my post . and hopefully this comes true for me.
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Ill do it but explain to me what you want better


Do you wnat the back where the neck should be rounded ?


And if you can find me a pic of the other helm you wanted I would try it


Wow, thankyou so much. This is crazy i have been writing requests for this for a long time now and never had anyone want to help me out. then i thought i would try this and use something close to that helmet and try one more time and here you are . this is definatley my lucky day.This is the only helmet in oblivion that i really wanted. Well almost. Oh and your question about the helmet rounded in the back yes.thats exactly what i wanted. I will post the rathian helmet. I think this paladin helm is the closest. but if you could actually make the real helmet that would be insane. thankyou for all your help.

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