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Adjusting what the sun damage does...


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I am making a mod in which there is a new race, exactly like the dark elves except that they are much more powerful, but only during the night. So essentially my question is, how does the sun damage spell work? I need to change it so my race will become blind and weak during the day, and be back to normal during the night. If you could help, I would thank you for sharing the knowledge.



On a side note, who here goes to the gamefaqs' board for morrowind? And if you do, are you agianst the Cult of Gauntlet?

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You could make a startscript check the race of the PC, then end if it isn't your race...


If the gamehour is greater than 6 and less than 20, the script could add Damage Fatigue, Blind, and Damage Agility spells... If the gamehour is less than 6 or greater than 20, the script could remove those effects. Another way to do this would be to eliminate the negative effects and just add on positive effects when the gamehour is not between 6 and 20.


It'd probably be easy enough to make, and you could add on things like level-specific spells and variation of the time defined as night throughout the year, based on the current month.

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A nice suggestion, with the scripting that you suggested, but it wont work. It must be simaler to the sundamage spell, where if you are in contact with sunlight, you are damaged, or in my case, your stats are removed. If I were to use that script, even if it were raining, or you were inside, you would have your stats reduced... On second thought, that isnt such a bad idea. I will have to make two versions of my mod and see which one works out better.
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