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Gates Not Appearing


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So, I'm doing the Main Quest, and the Cheydinhal and Chorrol gates aren't opening for the Allies for Bruma quest.


I don't have any mods that adjust those two cells, and the closest that comes to it, shouldn't do anything to the outside of either one of the cities. Anyone know what's wrong? I think I've dealt with this before, but I don't remember how I fixed it.

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Bump. I know people are out there... To clarify, the Gates for both Chorrol and Cheydinhal are not appearing during the Main Quest's "Aid for Bruma" quest. Is there a way to fix this, without having to go through the main quest again?


Could someone PLEASE help? C'mon.. there's newer posts that got replies before mine. I know someone out there has to have a solution.

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Is your game patched to the latest version? Please, post your load order. Many things are handled by scripts, so the cells being modified is only part of the equation to consider. Do you have the Unofficial Oblivion Patch installed?


Post Your Load Order - http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/index.php?page=know_how_to#PostYourLoadOrder

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Well, brace for spam. And please note, my game works perfectly save for these gates not appearing.







Cobl Main.esm


Deadly Reflex 5 - Timed block and 1.5x damage.esp

Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp


Choices and Consequences.esp



Bandit Hideouts.esp

Better Bell Sounds.esp


Smarter Bandits.esp











DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp

DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp

DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp

DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp

DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp

DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp

DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp

DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp

DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp


Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp

Cobl Si.esp


Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp



Better Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary.esp

Better Abandoned House.esp


Cane of Sheogorath.esp




Enhanced Weather - Across-The-Borders Mods Patch.esp

Stormier storms.esp

EnhancedWeather - Darker Nights, 50.esp

Cobl Glue.esp

Slof's Horses HA Essential.esp



Enhanced Economy.esp

Cobl Tweaks.esp

Enhanced Economy - Soulgems.esp

thievery - EE patch.esp

Enhanced Economy - House prices.esp

Salmo the Baker, Cobl.esp

bartholm - EE patch.esp

Leviathan Soul Gems Abridged.esp



Cobl Silent Equip Misc.esp




Elsweyr Color Map.esp

DeadlyReflex 5 - Combat Moves.esp

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Use BOSS to sort your load order, it uses a masterlist with over 8000 mods to sort your load order.Use Oblivion Mod Manager(OBMM) to hand sort the mods that BOSS does not recognise, or just delete them, because if BOSS using the current Master list does not recognise a mod.it might be causing the gates not to open. Pay attention to the log that is generated when you do run BOSS, it does have hints and tips for you to follow to improve your game.EDIT The log may tell you what patch you are missing for a mod you have installed.
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is there a way to change where Boss looks for the mods? I have the Steam Version of Oblivion.



Boss looks for mods in the directory it is installed in. It expects to be installed in Data where the mods are.

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I looked at the Readme for BOSS, I did not find anything that says it will not work in the Steam version, because it should be installed into Oblivion\Data just like a normal mod you download from TESNexus, and it only uses the esps,esms inside the data folder to create the log. You run it by opening your C: drive until you get to your data folder for Oblivion and manually clicking on the BOSS.bat file to create the log.
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Thanks. Fixed it. Though the gates still aren't appearing. There were 3 mods that BOSS didn't recognize. The Ninja Mask one. The Lich Mod, and Smarter Bandits.


While I shut off Smarter Bandits and the Lich mod, the gates still didn't appear. I'm unsure as to -why- the ninja mask would do something like that, considering it's just an item. I get random Oblivion Gates all the time, just not the Cheydinhal and Chorrol ones.

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You can place a mod that adds clothing next to other clothing mods in your load order and they will usually work. Hand placement of mods not recognised by BOSS is an annoyance,but if you place similiar mods together, they will usually work.The biggest problem I have noticed is that a bad placement affects the time between fast travel,changing cells, and loading saves. I am guessing at this point, but a weather mod could cause a gate to not appear. Manually deactivating mods one by one can eventually find the problem, but you may have to use a saved game-not an autosave or quicksave- to test, I have two mods that prevent Martin from opening the gate to "Paradise", but if I forget to save my game before I enter Cloud Ruler Temple with the mods active, I will always have to redo the quests from an earlier saved game.
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