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Khajiit Overhaul to look more like Firran´s from Arche Age


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I don´t know how much work this would be and if it´s even possible but it would be amazing if someone could consider or do a mod that transfomrs Skyrim´s Khajiit into, at least for me, more pleasing Firran´s from the new MMORPG Arche Age


Feel free to comment and maybe even leave suggestions how we could make something like that


Best regards to all


some screenshots



Edited by Ayuron
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Yes this is possible, it is however a lot of work, doing all the modeling/visuals needed. There was something sort of like this but it's now a hidden file on the nexus (unavailable for download). Dagi-raht khajiit, separate custom race, changing it into a replacer isn't too hard of a task.


I'd love to see this happen. I'm horrible at basically anything artistic though.

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