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I was looking at some mods that add's cities underground or in the sky. I was also thinking of a mod that interludes with the storyline.


I was thinking maybe, you get knocked out by the Tesla in one mission, and you end up waking in a white room, with a man saying in a tired voice, although he is quite awake, "Hello... You seem to have come to the wrong place, let me send you back.." and than he places his hand on your face, making you put back into the Wasteland, near an unused Vault, called Vault 92. Inside the vault, raiders have used it as shelter, and if you have bad karma, they will let you in, whilst neutral or good karma makes them try to kill you onsight.


When exploring the vault, you become dizzy, and you start to see visions of the white room, inwhich you woke up in. After having the visions, and you stop becoming dizzy, you meet a blind man called Yavec, who despises you for no reason. When you sleep, you get sent into the "Dreamworld", which is the white room. And when you sleep in the Dreamworld, you get sent back into real life.


In the Dreamworld, it will show visions of your past, back in Vault 101(Just like when you get poisoned by the native plant when doing the mission in the Addon which takes you to Maryland.). You meet a small boy, who has only one eye, and has white clothing on, like all the other people in Dreamworld.


When you first wakeup from Dreamworld back into the real life, you wakeup near the Homing Beacon(If you finished Mothership Zeta), being discovered by Outcasts, whom take you to the Citadel for examing by a scholar.


Do you guys think this is good? I hope it gets created by a group of modders, as I have great hope in this, and I can picture ideas that can be implemented into the mod, like a vehicle or a new type of Power Armor.


I hope you enjoyed reading this, and I would love suggestions for this mod.

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Great idea for a mod, but instead of ending up at the MZ becon, how about the top of the washington monument? And right as you do, a scripted cutscene like thing ocures (like in MZ trash compacter where your hanging on with one hand and then you fall). When you hit the ground, your person blacks out and then wakes up as a prisoner to the super mutants in the capitol building or something and you have to fight your way out. Just a thought. :thumbsup:
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