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FWE Companions wont switch to melee


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Hi everyon,



I think everything is in title, my companions: Jericho and Charon wont go melee when I ask em to.


I use FWE and Followers Hire (with that mod companions dont care about my karma).

I tried uncheck Followers Hire before launching the game but the bug still occurs.


I tried to ask companions to switch melee while using the enhanced companions feature (headphone), I also tried the usual way: chit-chat

"hey buddy go back melee please".

"yeah keep melee thats good" (it means that the dialogue works as if the buddy heard what I said, but actually he keeps fighting with ranged).


I dont have Jericho and Charon original melee weapons anymore.


This is pretty annoying since ammo are quite hard to get in FWE and companions are sometimes total retard: emptying a charger on a rad roadrach >.>




Thanks in advance.

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