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Mage Tower - The Fade (Origins) Bug?


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Well, I started my second play around of DA:O as a warrior, and when I get to the sloth demon at the end, after I have killed it in oger form (as far as I remmeber) it should go to a cut scene where it changes form? Well, instead I just get an error and the game closes (it is no specific error, jsut the Microsof Windows one that says the game has stopped responding and thet you can send an 'error report' if you want to).


It is really annoying me as it never happened to me on my other character, nor did it happen to my brother on his run through...


Any help? :confused:

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Strange, never happened to me. Do you use any mods or could you tell us your specs? It is most likely a conflict with a mod in particular.
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  • 2 weeks later...
The last time I fought Sloth it crashed three times before I finally made it through. If I actually kept track, I'm sure I would find that it crashes 9 times out of 10 plays. At least now my game is back to crashing regularly instead of being buggy :blink:
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