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Xcom cheats? (please don't flame me too badly)


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I've been playing Long War for about 120 hours now according to Steam. I've loved it, and found that just about everything in LW has appealed to me.


The only problem is that my spare time is rapidly coming to a close and I need to finish the game. All I have left to do now is the Gollop Chamber. The problem is that I have no one able to use it. No big deal, just have a soldier keep using Psi powers until they are strong enough, right?


No such luck. I have two soldiers who are ready to level up their 3rd psi power but they keep failing the training every time. I'll be honest I'm kind of sick of waiting 8 days to see if they will succeed this time. I"ve lost 6 countries because I'm starting to skip more and more missions just to hurry up the game a bit.


I really dont feel like starting a new Psi soldier from scratch and having to do all the missions to level them up to the next level, send them to training, and find out that they too failed. Honestly I just want to do the final ship assault and be done with it. Like I said, I love the LW mod, and will probably play it again in the future, but for now I just want to be done.


Does anyone know of a cheat or a trainer or something that will give me the PSI power high enough to use the Gollop chamber? That's all I need to be able to finish the game.





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Almost easy to do...


Firstly, your Volunteer *MUST* wear the Vortex Armor to even be able to enter the Gollop-Chamber.

Then... it would be a cheat process which can be achieved in two very specific ways;


1) Editing the DGC.INI file as follow or in a number of different lines(#) that would enhance the odds in your favor...


-- #1230: m_iPsiXPLevels=1000 ;(2000) 6 ** The level for the minimal XP necessary at Psi-Rank #6.

** Mine is @1000, default is (-(2000)-).


*** The wiki even mentions this prerequisite for master ranking;

Level 6: 2000, Mind Control an Ethereal (each soldier to achieve Psi Master must individually do this)


**** And -- a potential Volunteer trooper should have a minimal amount of Will that matches with any given higher rankings.


-- #1435 and 1436:

PSI_GIFT_CHANCE=0.95 ;(0.50) Chance of successful training if soldier Will equals Psi Power's target will

** Currently at 95% instead of 50%... if you put 1.0 for this value - it's automatic success!

** And, with 48 Hours they mostly never get idled more than two days. Other factors can add training time such as Will and XP status.


But another value also controls various conditions...

-- #1594

SW_RARE_PSI=0.95 ;(0.25) Chance of successfully training a psi power when soldier will = power's target will; overrides PSI_GIFT_CHANCE
** This happens when the corresponding Second_Wave option is active - which might not be your case.


2) Activate the DevConsole, and input whatever you need at the CommandLine. The NexusWiki has extensive details about such a powerful tool. From my experience, it's very tempting to abuse it in multiple gameplay situations... but it does work in many cases.

Here's an example;


GivePsiPerks : instantly gives all psi perks to selected soldier

** I suspect this tactical command would certainly create *THE* Volunteer stats straight from a mission screen. Back at HQ, that trooper would then probably be able to enter the Gollop-Chamber if XP and Vortex are enough.

Edited by Zyxpsilon
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