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Arkham Origins Deathstroke Armour And Weapons.


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Okay so i may sorta have the biggest friggin love for this sexy as armour and i may also have the brains of a bird. This armour isn't exactly lore friendly, but come on, neither is a dwarven assault rifle. i would prefer the armour to be 'split up' so theres the helmet and gloves separate to the full armour and the delicious boots. the weapons are practically in game other than the pistol and his sword as seen there. i already have the names lined up. The sword could be called 'alloy sword'(which could look like the blades sword but the akaviri sword from jaysus looks better) and the greatsword (Which could literally be an ingame iron greatsword) 'promethium longsword' from the IOS game InJustice. an invisible shield could be used to replace some bulky thing with an invisible shield to make it look like deathstroke is blocking with his glove (like a boss) and the armour should have both heavy and light sets (to tailor your characters needs) now i'm a shite mod maker and quite possibly a horrible gamer so any little thing would be appreciated. Even just a renamed sword with better stats and texture. Much Love Jak (mwah kisses)

Armour http://www.itsartmag.com/features/itsart/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Alessandro-Baldasseron.jpg

Swords and such from injustice (as a little help) http://static.wixstatic.com/media/15b0fc_c597b2b006494153870b60618005f81b.png_srz_298_288_85_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_png_srz



Make it look as sexy as possible and you will be granted much love and perhaps many wow

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