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Anybody interested in helping make a mod?


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I'm making an overhaul mod for Fallout called Fallout NV - Hardened Edition. The main goal of this mod is to increase difficulty and realism and make the game a lot more immersive. Although im stuck, i want to make an alternative start room for the game, with class selection and a scripted raider attack and make it interesting. But i have no idea how to edit the scripts and make the game start you in a new place. So im looking for anybody who can help me with that. I'd appreciate it a lot.

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Well as far as make the game harder there's already a mod for that, don't know the exact name but basically in the description it says no more being able to survive 20 9mm rounds to the head point blank. So its basically as good as realism. Fallouts Physics in Very Hardcore mode lol it makes the legion so OP. Ave TRuE to Astrid. - What im a recruit.

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Hey, make whatever mod you want buddy, as long as you do all the work yourself who cares if it resembles another mod.


As for the alternate start, I would just look at what scripts another mod with an alternate start modify. Easiest way to learn it is to see how someone else did it.

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Take a look at how the beginning sequence in the game is built. Stage 0 in the quest VCG00 contains the script that moves the player to Doc Mitchell's house, so you'd need to prevent that and run your own start sequence instead.

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