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Wierd Gun Firing


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Hey guys, I just want to start this off with I have little to no lag in the game, and the only crash problem I had I think was just a bad mod load order, -- this I mean since *ever* -- but right now I have this problem where everything is fine and dandy when I'm not aiming at a mob, but the moment I put them in my crosshairs the gun locks, I click my mouse button like 20 times and only 1 or 2 shots fire off. No, it's not lag, because the guy -- if melee -- will run circles around me beating me to death. The only gun mod I am running is 19-20CW but even when I unload it I still have the same problem. Any suggestions?


No, I'm not using FWE, or FOOK.

The game is mostly vanilla except for MM, DUI & CTS.

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