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Star Wars Blaster Bolt


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Out of all the star wars weapon mods, Rsugar's has the best looking projectile, a simple colour swap it seems of the regular tracer, but quite frankly that's all that's needed.


however nowhere in the E-11 file can one find this projectile, it's not in the zip, it's not in my folders and it can't be in a BSA and yet it's there in game somehow.


I humbly request one of two things.


A. someone explain how I can find this projectile, I have my settings to find hidden files and folders and such.

B. someone make a new projectile that would be pseudo similar, though ideally with either no bullet, or no tracer (IE using the red tracer as the projectile itself so it shows up better in V.A.T.S.)


I would myself, but I have absolutely zero ability to use nifscope or blender and all attempts to try to learn have only got me a headache and frustration.

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