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Endorsement stopped functioning?


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As I recently released a mod that has gathered quite some nice attention, I have been looking more than normally at the number of endorsements for this mod (Companion Vilja). And now I'm positive (well, I *was* 200 % positive when I started to write this... now I'm just 99,3 % positive :rolleyes: ) that when I went to bed last night the number of endorsements were 226. It is still at 226, but according to the endorsements stats, two more have endorsed her this morning - one with a comment (this made me aware of the potential problem) and one without.


Now, the reason I'm instantly posting here is that the same happened when Vilja was originally released back in december 2009 - when she was among the top 10 of the top 25, lots of endorsements (like +10) just vanished the same way. So I thought I'd better get in touch with you about this.


Is there a way to check if there is something 'wrong'? Maybe this is even a known issue?


I'm sorry to bother about this, but I thought I'd better bring it up...






(...who by now of course is only 97,6 % sure that she is right about this... :rolleyes: )

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Very sure it happened again - there's one more missing this morning. It is registred as 'have given endorsement' but the counter hasn't counted. I'm positive, because I wrote down the number of endorsement and the last one giving one before I went to bed last night. This morning there were two more added to the list but only one more to the counter.
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Ask the known members with a failed counting for a re-rating. This works! If you don't know the user names of those responsible the cards are stacked against you. The problem as such is known since long, and when it happens it always tends to accumulation, i.e. the error repeats itself, the faster the more it happens already at the start of the to be rated object.

The chance that someone indeed has caused a failed rating by cut & paste endorsement is almost equal to zero. As a rule it's caused by the counter.

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