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I use FOMM and FOSE and sorted all my mods with FOMS2.

The game used to work for a long time with EVE, MMM, all DLCs, and fellout.

However, after I've added Children of the Wasteland and FOOK2, with all compatibility patches and all updates, when I run fallout3 with fomm the main menu just won't appear. Also, I can't pass the intros like - "BETHESDA GAME STUDIOS" and stuff.

plz, help. I've tried everything, even the FOSE's MERGED PATCH



I also use archiveinvalidator. but I'm sure it has nothing to do with it.

Edited by firesmoker
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.BSA problems have caused this for meh before, but that doesn't mean it's your problem. If I had to guess I'd say you botched the install. Happens to me all the time an I actually know what I'm doing. Sometimes I mess with things in experiments just to find out, and most of the time it turns out like the problem you have, FO3 won't even load up properly. Start over, this time slowly add mods, fix them, test it, then add more. Something like that. Look into "in so many words guide" " Webensized FO3edit guide by CSB" Then also look inside the articles database on Nexus downloads, an also Pinned topics here on Nexus forums. Then last read stuff on GECK main page when you need to know what something is or does...



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