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Problems translating a russian mod

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I've pretty much gotten rid of all of the gibberish stuff that I can find with TES4Edit and the CS. The problem is that a lot of people still have gibberish replacing their names and none of them were touched in the mod. The one thing I noticed though is that all of those affected are tied to areas that had an item (quest markers I think) from the mod to them added. I can't delete these things without breaking the mod.


Any suggestions? And I've REALLY looked for an English version of the mod first before settling with the RU mod.

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I've pretty much gotten rid of all of the gibberish stuff that I can find with TES4Edit and the CS. The problem is that a lot of people still have gibberish replacing their names and none of them were touched in the mod. The one thing I noticed though is that all of those affected are tied to areas that had an item (quest markers I think) from the mod to them added. I can't delete these things without breaking the mod.


Any suggestions? And I've REALLY looked for an English version of the mod first before settling with the RU mod.


You can change the gibberished NPC names back to the English ones from within TES4Edit.


(Make a backup copy of the mod before trying this...) For that matter, if you can determine that the only thing that changed about the NPC was the name, then you can delete that NPC record from the mod - it will revert back to the Oblivion vanilla names. TES4Edit can help you out with what all was changed too. Once you've selected the NPC from the left panel and the values concerning him/her can be viewed in the righthand View panel, you can rightclick and select the "show only changed stuff" (paraphrased) from the popup menu. If you do decide to remove the record, be sure that you delete the record FROM THE MOD and nowhere else.


I did something similar for Artefacts of the Ancestors because I was tired of German books and door names. :teehee:

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Ironically I ended up doing opposite to what you suggested and adding in entries merging entries from Beautiful Women and Handsome gents revised, basically merging the two mods together. And now I have no gibberish problems and I have 1 less mod to worry in load order. :biggrin:



Still you steered me in the right direction so thank you. :thumbsup:

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