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Fallout 3 Adult Content Mods Help on Win 7 64!

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Hello, I am new to both this website and forum as well as Fallout 3. So far I am really enjoying the game. Now I am interested in the Animated Prostitution Mod, and some of the adult mods. I am 24 so I am fine with the content. I managed to install Fomm (or Fallout 3 Mod Manager), and a bunch of mods. Now I have Win 7 64 bit as listed below. Unfortunately I am having a lot of trouble with extracting files to the right spot. I download all content from any website to my downloads folder on the my documents screen under Downloads. I happen to use Win Zip 14 as my extracting program. One mod I downloaded was a MK3 Girl Mod with Nude and different cup sizes and everything was installed inside of that folder in multiple folders. I will be more specific and list the mods I have got off of FilePlanet for you below the paragraphs to try and make it any easier.


I don't know how many mods may be loaded at once and for example I have the Animated Prostitution mod working except there is no nudity at all. The actions work fine but the characters all all in underwear and sometimes I get an error saying on the sex options screen Pip Boy 26 error with what looks like a pencil. Now I will allow those of you who know what your doing to use remote access to my PC to fix the problem using Team Viewer 5 if the answers don't work out right.


I have noticed that both Battlefield 2 the regular game and this one so far have no built in Mod section like Call of Duty or other games. I wish they did! I would prefer help by chat, my Xfire name is SniperBWD2009 or Steam name is SniperBWD2008. So basically I'm asking for a mod expert to help walk me through how to install all of these mods and have them working correctly. I do understand instructions and directions but the ones that came with the mod list below went completely over my head. So any help with these would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all! Brian










Here are my system specs.

Manufacturer: DELL Inc.

Processor: Intel® Core i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.7GHz

Memory: 12288MB RAM

Hard Drive: 989 GB

Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT

Monitor: Dell E207WFP

Sound Card: Speakers (Creative SB X-Fi)

Speakers/Headphones: Logitech 5.1 Surround Sound and Logitech G35 Headset/Mic

Keyboard: Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard

Mouse: Logitech G7 Cordless Gaming Mouse

Mouse Surface: Mousepad

Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7600) (7600.win7_gdr.100226-1909)

Motherboard: Intel X58

Computer Case: A retro-modern, minimalist approach with red highlights against glossy black and white plastic

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ok, let me try to help

first of all, i think you should know, you can only use one body mod at a time (well, one per gender)

so you have to choose either BABE or Type3

now, if you could just tell us in which folder you have Fallout 3 installed in, it would really help


now, basically with mods, it is rather easy to install

you see, if, when you unpack a mod, you see a "Data" folder, than all you have to do, is to combine that folder with your Fallout "Data" folder, but just make sure that the inside of the folder is as it should be

for example, if you look inside your Fallout "Data" folder, you will see that it is devided into folders like "Meshes", "Textures" and such folders

in the mod you download, you need to make sure that the folders match, meaning that inside the "Data" folder, you will have folders that match yours, like "Meshes"

than, all you really have to do is to combine the mod "Data" folder with the Fallout "Data" folder, and check the .esp\.esm files using FOMM, and you are ready to go


i hope this is helpfull

if you don't understand something, or you just need more help, you can PM me whenever you want, and i'll do my best to help you out :thumbsup:

best of luck to you


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I have it in 2 places. 1 is under C: My Documents, My Games. and the other is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks. On that page I have a separate folder I made called mods and placed all mods into there for the time being.


Ok I have gotten the mod to work. Now my other question is how to download the sound pack for that mod. It is called The Female Voice Package and includes a whole bunch of files and the readme and a program that tells u that you need to run it. I placed it all in the C: Programs (86), Bethesda Softworks, Fallout 3, Data. I then ran the program and it got an error message that says something like invalid file path error 26 or 76. Anybody know what to do? Thanks!

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  • 2 months later...

I have a simmilar problem, ive played the game many times through and added this mod for fun but i cant figure out why it isnt working.


I recived these files once i unpacked the zipped file for the anim prostitute full version mod.

Fose(a folder containing another called plugins which had a file called joshNZFOSE.dll)

Meshes(containing many folders[AbunIbjects, Armor, Characters, clutter, dlc04, DLCPitt, narmo, and a file called New Section1] which all have more folders and files in those.

Sound(has mas an fx and a voice folder with more folders in them.

Textures( has armor, characters, interface, and a narmo file)

AP-Dev which is a compressed file with an animy_prostitution esp file in it

Animy_prostitution.esm file

CrossModData.esm file

fose_1_7.dll file

fose_1_7ng.dll file

fose_editor_1_5.dll file

Overhead3PCamera esp file

Playthings esp file

R18BodyPackesp file

sc_lovers_resource.esn file

SeducingWomen.esm file


I tried putting the files directly into the data folder for the game and also tried to use the FOMM but i think i did that wrong.

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