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Invisible Hair on Nessa


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I have a few mods installed like improved atmosphere. jb3 textures, dragon age redesigned and ran into an issue when meeting nessa where her hair was invisible... Very unsettling. I have been looking through the files and can't find anything related to the hair textures and I also ran CharGenMorph Compiler but it wouldn't do anything and just said there were no xml files.

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I long ago replaced the DA Redesigned elves with my own morphs, so unfortunately I can't recall what hair Nessa has, but missing hair when that mod is installed is usually a result of a required mod - tucked hair - not being installed as well. (That requirement was specified in an image in the description; the image is now missing, but the link is still present.)


Whether an asset is added to the chargenmorphcfg.xml file has zero affect on NPCs... it only makes assets available to the in-game character creator. Grab tucked hair from BSN, install it in your override, and that will probably fix the issue for you.

Edited by theskymoves
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