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new mod ligthing problem please help


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someone please help,

I have a lighting problem with a house I made. some of the lights only go on when i'm near them and seem to turn off or maybe become over powered by other lights when I step away. I know its noobish, its just I haven't really moded for skyrim in a very long time.. infact I haven't even played skyrim in a long time. now that i'm back I saw I had some mods I was working on on hold, one of which is a remake of one of my favorite houses I have ever made which is the one I am having a problem with. it'll soon be ready for download if I can just get some help with the lights as I really cant seem to remember how to get past this problem.

please comment even if you're not sure how to fix it because maybe you're on the right path or will remind me what needs to be done.

Edited by jackalx137
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Depending on your system, it could either be the lights crashing into each other or just fading out due to your graphics settings/processing power. If they're fading in and out as you get close/move away, it's your system/settings. If it's a harsh on/off like someone flipping a light switch, then you have too many lights in one area, or too close to each other, or one surface being lit by 2 or more lights at once.


Click the L key in the CK to see your lights' radius (red green and blue circles). Scale the lights down (hold S and left-click drag) to adjust their radius, or double-click and go to the Light Data tab.



It's a general rule of thumb that your lights' radii should not overlap to prevent this effect, but I have found that if you have multiple lights of the same color, it's not a problem. I built a house with a shadow light in the center whose radius covers the entire room, and put 4 non-shadow lights of the same color inside that light's radius and get no flickering from them.


Lighting was one of the hardest things for me to come to terms with; I wanted light where I wanted it, without relying on global lights or the imagespace modifier. I was too used to real 3D programs where you stick in a light and you get light no questions asked.

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