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AI Conditions Help Needed


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I have been trying to make a Trainer person who auto attacks you but will accept your yield and wont leave their cell.

I have been able to make it auto attack the player but it refuses yields and wont stay in its cell either. and the NPC is marked as essential so you can see the problems.

I have GotY edition of the game, the official patch a slew of other mods installed and obse.


what i want is a set of AI conditions which will

NPC will auto attack once the player once in a predefined space ( like a couple of practice mats )

NPC will never leave the cell in which its in

NPC will accept player yield


also a good break down of what each of the != == and <= type symbols mean and the numerical vale that follows them.




Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you for your time.


Anthony Shea

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