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Witch Elf


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Well witch elf and Sorceress chest pieces and shoulders are very similar, but aside from that very different. I still play WAR though, stickin with it since release, and I can say that it is almost balanced now... T know I thought it would never happen. although recently they changed sorcs and BWs to make them more evil, but they will probable get nerfed again in the next patch. Oh and one thing you'll be glad to hear... Scorched Earth was effectively removed as an effective ability :sweat: .


But yeah WH armor sounds sweet. Look me up on Iron Rock as koolaiddude, (who is my profile pic here).


Also getting reference pics for this mod will be easier next patch, they are changing armor so that you can set appearance to any piece you have already obtained but keep the stats of what you're wearing, should be way for you to model exactly the pieces you want then, as long as you've already owned them at some point...

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heh I play on Volkmar Dest though I might move my sorc over for fun, I was defending a keep and just bombing the order with my scatered shadows spell. The scorched earth is the BW Self AOE right?


ooooooo I like that the rest of my family plays RoM (Runes of Magic) and that was one of the things that I liked about it. but if you say any piece that you've already obtained, that's even better!


you know what I could actually get some pictures of WE armor now, hehehe, it's not the really high end but I think it looks okay.

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-Sigh- Maybe i'll go back to WAR... Someday. I really do miss it. For someone not having a clue about the numbers and how to properly set up a spec on their own, I did damn good in WAR. I was up there in the top Witch Elves for Pheonix Throne before I quite (constantly killing in an attempt to catch up with Taransula.) And its damn sexy to hear there will be appearance slots, because I was so fanatical about fashion before my actual killing gear that I FILLED my bank up with different armor types in different dye setups. I even had a Red Witch Elf Ranger costume. O_o


If you guys are both in the game though, yeah it should be no problem getting even more reference images to work with. Might have to be the case too. I keep pestering my friend about those screenshots he still needs to get for the DoK armor. Heh.

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hehe, I have discovered something since my return, I suck MAJORLY at meelee DPS :sweat: course that's probably cause I was using a WE and a Chosen as the wrong classes I treated the WE as a non-squishy for some reason and I used the Chosen as DPS though I suppose that's all he can really do in RvR :teehee: I'm pretty good with a Sorceress though, and a Magus as far as I know
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Heh, the Chosen I have seen do major damage to Order with a 2Hander...and not get a scratch on him. Of corse it was a chosen from a group of what you would call "1337" players, who did jaw dropping, amazing stuff. Never have I seen a Zealot avoid death and stay alive in a scenario as long as their Zealot could.

And hey, as for taking screenshots of witch elf armor, both high and low level, just go to the city. I bet you'll find some just standing around! :P Or ask someone to model nicely.

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I think I do allright with a sorceress considering that she's only lvl 11 in a tier 2 RvR zone, yes I know that they get bolstered but I think I do okay with the spells and equip I have, I haven't solo killed anyone but I can be an annoyance. Well I'm off to go play WAR possibly model that armor.
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Yeah... chosen... I kill everything...


Except WH :confused::verymad: They open me like a can opener.


Latley I've been trying to play my class right and shelve the 2H, if I pick a squishy to protect in an SC, (s)he will not die. Massive punt ftw! Nothing is as big a middle finger as a WH coming out of stealth on my healer, then I 40% snare and punt 50+ feet :tongue:, or I can 10 sec stagger, no moving or abilities as long as they aren't hit.


I do miss killing people though, 1H dmg is teh sux :unsure:.


and yes, Scorched Earth is BW self AOE, the one they can crit with, and with enough healers, run through a WB spamming it whilst being invincible. It was changed so it does more, but now it costs combustion to use, 10 pts per use. (combustion = dark magic) So yeah, I have yet to see a single BW use Scorched Earth since the change, no more bomb groups :biggrin:.




due to a change in mechanics in both sorcs and BWs, they pwn single target, they will melt you in 9 secs if they choose to. Word of Pain, a 10 sec long massive resist debuff, that does massive dmg at the end, is now 5 sec, so the massive end proc happens more. BWs also now have a mirror to this. This was supposed to be a nerf making it 5 sec, but it made it better than ever, they will nerf fo' realz next patch.

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