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Game crashes at launch, backed up game does not, copying backup back over doesn't fix it.


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Fallout NV randomly stopped launching one day (i haven't added or changed any mods for some time now). I have tried re-installing it and it still crashes at launch. I can't even make it to the main menu.


I have a backup of the entire game with the exact same mods on it. Oddly enough, it works just fine. I can launch it and play it. The only real difference is the main folder name ("fallout new vegas - Copy"), it is even in the same steam folder next to the original NV and my other games.


I copied the backup and overwrote the game files in the original location. The game still crashes.


At this point i have no idea what to do. I am making a copy of the copy, but i am unsure where to go from there.

I am thinking about removing the "- Copy" and deleting the original, but i am doubtful that will do anything.


What can i do from here? Am i just stuck with playing the copy version?

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