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gltchy blood and fire graphics


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problem. my fire and blood have purple squares through them.


-I just starting adding mods (only 3 so far)

-have latest obse and obmm

-mods are in omod format

-mods work, but when i activate either of my larger ones (deadly reflex or midas magic) the fire and blood graphics are messed up.


is this something i can change in settings, is it an issue with my computer hardware, or is this something else?


could someone help me out here?

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Set BSA Redirection in OBMM > Utilities (sidebar) > Archive Invalidation. That sounds like missing textures. If the BSA Redirection does not work, check the installation of those mods. Get the hotfix for DR5 from the Nexus page (at the bottom of Downloads) as well. Also, try regenerating your Oblivion.ini - http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/index.php?page=know_how_to#RegenerateTheOblivion.ini
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