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A little help with my modding


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1) Change archive invalidation to redirection.

2) None of those mods loading after Streamline should be there. Move the EE add-on up near the rest of the EE add-ons, and move Display Stats near TQP or something.


For future reference, when you need help placing files that BOSS does not recognize - http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/index.php?page=load_order#LOTemplate <-- LO template

If you have Microsoft Word 2003 or later - http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/index.php?page=bomm

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Okay I have done the following


I have used the OMOD for FCOM following all instructions, I have also OMODed most of my mods for better tracking and management


I have changed the invalidation method to Alteration and while at it changed the Fran and MM BSAs for new one to be sure they are not damaged , I have also renamed them to ensure loading


I have applied all the patched for UOOP and cousins, I have also applied the other compatibility patches while at it.


I have looked in TES positive for potential bugged mods. As part of this I have remover the Crash prevention system, Updated my Harvest Flora to 3.0.1 Changed the Natural environments for All Natural. And made sure not to have any other outdated/clearly unstable mods.


I have downloaded TES4edit, looking through it shows several conflicts but all withing what's expected. Though some scripts on sme spells apear not to have been copied to the bashed patch. I have checked the spell stats and scrips boxes in Wyre Bash to make sure.



However despite this I still have the exact same problem.... after giving it some thought I'm quite sure now that what's causing the CTDs is a spell some NPC casts, most likely a self buff or a summon or it's otherwise somehow related directly to generated NPCs.


For now I'm going to test removing L.A.M.E. and Supreme Magica to see if it solves the issue , however please continue to help :happy:


This is the New load order>




As the last time , Im aware that mods shoudl not go after Streamline of Bashed Patch but this is the modlist right after unhiding + running BOOS



Which version of Wrye Bash are you using? Could you (as a test) unselect the Bashed Patch and reselect all of the mods that had been merged? Although this is not the optimal way of running your mods, it will show whether or not your patch is okay.

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@ Tomlong54210 I have changed to BSA redirection. I used to be using BSA alteration but I changed it since you recommended it.


I am aware that EE should not go there and I do reorder it usually but the list I posted here is the result of unhiding every mod and plugin that was merged and running BOSS. So that a more clear and complete list is posted.


Also note I made sure NOT to install Living Economy in any way since I used EE.


@ Shadowfen I am using the newest version available, unless a newer one came out recently. However I think I might be using the Bashed patch function incorrectly since I never found a guide that gives a "for dummies" explanation.. my knowledge of wyre bash is mostly self learned, though I did read wyres manual on how to use it.


I currently make my bashed patches under the a "check every box where something appears" approach. Form my experience this is rarely the correct way to use this kind of programs but I don't know how to do it properly.

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I am using the newest version available, unless a newer one came out recently. However I think I might be using the Bashed patch function incorrectly since I never found a guide that gives a "for dummies" explanation.. my knowledge of wyre bash is mostly self learned, though I did read wyres manual on how to use it.


I currently make my bashed patches under the a "check every box where something appears" approach. Form my experience this is rarely the correct way to use this kind of programs but I don't know how to do it properly.


Could you (as a test) unselect the Bashed Patch in your mod list and reselect all of the mods that had been merged? Then run oblvion to see if you still have the problem. Although this is not the optimal way of running your mods, it will show whether or not your patch is okay.

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Just to be sure where I'm getting into


Doing that should mess up my game in ways completely unexpected as there will be no coherent merging of files.. Oblivion will work fine but it will be... werid


Sounds reasonable.. I'll post when I done testing that.

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@Shadowfen IT WAS THAT!! Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you!!! :biggrin: As soon as I deactivated the bashed patch an ran Oblivion using the piled mods The mysterious Crash disappeared like magic! No CTD on casting , zoning, nothing!


Ok so now I have finally identified the Bashed Patch as the conflicting mod, how ironic... Sooo where did I screw up in creating the patch?

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@Shadowfen IT WAS THAT!! Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you!!! :biggrin: As soon as I deactivated the bashed patch an ran Oblivion using the piled mods The mysterious Crash disappeared like magic! No CTD on casting , zoning, nothing!


Ok so now I have finally identified the Bashed Patch as the conflicting mod, how ironic... Sooo where did I screw up in creating the patch?


There have been reports of bugs with the 285 version of Wrye Bash and I've run into problems with it myself. Ver 277 worked fine for me if you want to attempt to go back a version, but de/re-installation can be a bit tricky. The other (perhaps safer) option is to try rebuilding your patch with very little checked and gradually add more if it seems to work. In particular you might wish to avoid (uncheck) "Tweak Names" entirely. Another to avoid is "Import Spell Stats". Under "Tweak Assorted" the "DarNied Books" option has been reported to cause problems as well. With all of the imports, what I did was start off with only those mods checked for them that were well-known, widely-used, and that I trusted. Later on I might "promote" some of the other mods to "trustworthy".:biggrin:

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hmm I see.. so I should try first to NOT check Names and spell stats I'll try doing that , if not I'll downgrade to 277 I guess.. I doubt my mods by themselves were causing the problem since the problem was eliminated altogether by unchecking the bashed patch, also, Oblivion ran just fine even considering that FCOM+ other mods were running without a bashed patch. If no mods screwed up then I doubt there is an actual bug with them. Also I use fairly mainstream mods, If there was any clear bug or incompatibility I'd know by now


Then you were right about pointing towards Wrye Bash.... I'm using V 275... Im sorry for being both lazy and dumb


yet another edit... Please if you find me across the street just slap me... I'm looking at wrye Bash v277 right now and I realize what didn't work..Im sorry for being both lazy and dumb

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hmm I see.. so I should try first to NOT check Names and spell stats I'll try doing that , if not I'll downgrade to 277 I guess.. I doubt my mods by themselves were causing the problem since the problem was eliminated altogether by unchecking the bashed patch, also, Oblivion ran just fine even considering that FCOM+ other mods were running without a bashed patch. If no mods screwed up then I doubt there is an actual bug with them. Also I use fairly mainstream mods, If there was any clear bug or incompatibility I'd know by now


Then you were right about pointing towards Wrye Bash.... I'm using V 275... I'm sorry for being lazy/dumb.


Neither lazy nor dumb and nothing to be sorry for.

I suspected Wrye Bash 285 because I've recently had problems with it. A little digging around found others in the same boat. :biggrin:


I hear that there will be a version 286 out soon that fixes some of these issues. Possibly in a month?

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