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Mod Idea- Evil Lord


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Well, Im a terrible modder... By terrible i mean i downloaded the CS 2 yrs ago, and the only mod i've made adds an uber god chest. But, i had an awesome idea after playing overlord for hours. A mod, where you can be a hero or a villain with two storylines As A hero, you could hear a rumor about a town (Bleaker's Way, Border Watch, etc) being overrun by "An evil tyrant and his dark army" You contact the nearest city's count and are asked to go save the village. But when you get there, you see an (Imposing) tower. The villagers are going about life as normal. But, you know somethings wrong when you see odd lights being sent from the tower. You go in and fight your way through each floor, which alternate between arena-esque battles and riddles. You reach the top and realize the tower's builder is conrolling everyone with his staff. You kill him and can destroy the staff and tower, or use them for your own gain. As avillain you are the one who builds the tower. You discover the staff and can enslave goblin tribes as foot soldiers, and ogres as siege engines, you start off by attacking villages, but every week after, the nearby towns build up a milita. You can build yur tower, and choose a right hand warrior. You can tell them to attack any town in Cyrodiil. Your chance to capture it is based on several fatctos a) if you are there b) how many weeks you have been evil c) size?quality of forces. You can improve quality by getting a village to build you a forge to make weapons for your goblins. This just increases the vaule for "c". Eventually you hear of other towers, and can either conquer them or align with them. Next, Heros can attack you every X number of days. If you lose too much life, you awake in jail..... If you win you can put them through a dungeon like the one in SI, or kill them. This goes on indefiently. Oh yeah, each village produces you X gold a week. :wub: i love being evil!!!! :no: as a hero, you always destroy t he tower, but can (secretlly)keep the staff, so you can be evil and get the hero's reward.... (maybe a castle with similar mechanics, maybe you think everyone is evil??? Like self- Righteous mythic dawn) Later you can send servants to other towns to start cults to you, so you have addiotional forces during a capture or supply raid) Wow my figers hurt.... :biggrin:
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