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Want more Nehrim Mods


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Hi, Melphist here^^


I´m playing Nehrim at the moment and i love it! (If anybody does not know what Nehrim is, take a look here: (http://www.nehrim.de)


I really like the game, i wish Oblivion would be more like it (don´t get me wrong, i love Oblivion, but unmodded and in athmospherical ways it lacks something), but since i played Oblivion for a long time and stuffed it with mods i now miss some things that i had in it in Nehrim. So i want to ask if someone (that someone should have Nehrim too obviously) would do me the favor to convert some of my favorite mods for Nehrim. I´m not sure if anybody already started a topic like this, but i found nothing.

The mods i mean are generally Item mods,changes in gameplay are not necessary, If possible there would be one race mod in the wishlist, but i dunno if it´s possible without changing other things ingame.

I don´t have experience in modding myself and can´t say which tools are required to do so but itemmods should only need some minor changes (like setting a new place to obtain them). If anybody has time and interest please contact me or add a reply, i´m pretty sure a lot of other Nehrim players would download such conversions too, but it would become a damned long list if everybody writes his/her wishes in one topic, so i would like to contact interested modders personally.


For the case you didn´t notice, i´m german, so if you want to reply you can talk german to me too^^



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well, converting mods from Oblivion the Nehrim shouldn't be too hard

if all you want is items, it is possible to do with the TES Construction Set

i'm pretty sure you would need to list the mods you want converted, so that people would know what you really want

basically, i would recommend that you try to learn how to use the CS yourself, and try adding the items yourself, as it is the best option, since you can do whatever you want, and costumize it to your liking :thumbsup:

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Phew. that means i would first have to learn the basics, for example i have no idea what the difference between the .esp files for oblivion and nehrim is (all i know is that no single .esp based mod for oblivion works in nehrim, no matter what function it has). Eventually i´ll indeed try it in the future, right now i just don´t know how and where to start (and when, i´m pretty busy with my work, and i have to admit i´m extreme lazy about the technical stuff).

Anyway, if someone want´s to help me out here, you´re welcome^^

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well, i checked the site, and it looks really good

the only problem is, i'm not german, and i don't know the language at all

so i have to wait untill the english version is up

but once it is up, i would love to try it out, and maybe try to mod for it as well

i can't really mod, but i can add items in the CS, which is something you wanted

now, what kind of mods did you try, that didn't work for Nehrim? because as long as the folders are the same, then item mods should work, but of course, you have to console-add the items......

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Well, the problem is thats it´s a total conversion (means, it´s more or less a game on it´s own: own launcher, own program, own folders, it only uses the basic data from the oblivion DVD and perhaps some from the folders), so oblivion mods causes the game to crash on startup and i don´t even know how to change that,

it probably just needs a new .esp file (wich is obvious i guess), non .esp mods like replacers are working since it uses archive invalidation, so i changed some animations and the looks of the iron and silver swords. When i have the time (eventually in 2 or 3 weeks) i´ll see if i try to learn how to make mods myself but since i´m a full time worker (and as said awfully lazy) i dunno if i can manage that myself. It IS definitely possible, some modders already made conversions, but since i don´t even know the basics i dunno know what it takes to do that.

Well, we´ll see...

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well, if it uses it's own folders, then it's all about trying to fit the items you want to the folders of the game

it won't be that easy to add items if it is totally different, but since i assume the CS works for Nehrim, it is possible to add items to it

like i said, i'm waiting for the english version to come out, but once it is out, i think i will try to add some items to it, and see if it works


a little problem that i just realized, is that you've said it uses a different launcher

in that launcher, does it give you the option of selecting other .esp files? because if not, then this is a lost cause, unless someone manages to make something like OBMM for Nehrim

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it has the option, don´t worry, also there are some mods exclusively for Nehrim, it even uses obmm directly by using it´s activation list but as i said it wont run with oblivion mods. The only possibility seems to make the mods new for Nehrim by using the data of the originals.Fitting the mods to the folders isn´t working cuz it can´t use the .esp files made for oblivion so it needs new ones. Qurion for example converted the dark saint armor for it, eventually i should try contacting her. I just opened this topic for the case somebody planned to convert mods anyway, but you´re right that i could try it myself....if only i had the time...
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i didn't mean to just move the files and use the .esp

what i meant was that you can put the meshes and textures into the Nehrim folders, and make a new .esp for the armors\weapons etc

and like i said, i would love to try to do this myself, as soon as the english version comes up

it is going to be my reason for returning to Oblivion, and i just can't wait :thumbsup:

but if you can contact Qurion, then do so

her knowledge could help you, me, and others who want to convert mods from Oblivion to Nehrim

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I just send her a message, we´ll see what she says, eventually all this becomes a bigger thing after the english release :laugh:

i´m pretty curious if the voice actors in the EV will be as professional as the germans are^^

In any case Nehrim is a damned good reason to return to oblivion (did you see the Trailers? THEY ARE F****** AWESOME!!)

If only i had started modding while i had the time... :dry:

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Qurion has started to convert some mods, and since i´m sick at the moment i started to learn how to use the CS (it´s a it confusing, but i got it now^^).

I already implented some items into the game (well, i made new ones using the ressources of the Mods).


I guess i´ll release some Item mods for nehrim myself^^

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