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Diverse wasteland clothing


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Alright, so recently I discovered I'm not too bad at making variants of textures, (examples under the image tab) and I was wondering if this has been done already:


Make multiple variants of each armor and outfit in the game, apply a variant texture set to each of those in the GECK, put them on a coverall list (I.E. PainspikeLIST would have Painspikevar1, painspikevar2, etc.) and replacing any solidly chosen outfit with a random list to choose from (I.E. BOSPAlist would have variants in it, and any generic BOS would, instead of having PA in their inventory, have the list there, so each one looks a little different) there would have course be the raider armor lists as well, which would have all variants of all raider armors on them, so raiders would have a huge variety.


Anyway... I'm asking because i was wondering if people might enjoy this if it hasn't been done, as I would enjoy making it.


Please let me know what you guys think.


EDIT: More examples here, as well as the others, under user images.

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I think it would be very popular, your retextures look great. Do it! :D


The worst thing for me in Fallout, is the lack of diversity and color, generally. Apparently there are no scrub brushes in the wasteland.

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I think it would be very popular, your retextures look great. Do it! :D


The worst thing for me in Fallout, is the lack of diversity and color, generally. Apparently there are no scrub brushes in the wasteland.


I would have to agree with you there. And I'm actually (pleasantly) shocked that a staff member is supporting my doing this, I would think that you guys have seen amazing retextures, better than mine anyway lol. There is only one small problem: I can make the textures, and I can apply texture sets to armor, but adding texture sets into the GECK is a bit beyond me. For now, since they have all been small, I have been using duplicate meshes. I know this isn't absolutely needed, so the only thing I would need would be for someone to take the textures I have done and place them into the GECK texture sets area, then send it back, and I can set up the armors themselves. I may need to trial and error it a bit for the random outfit selection lists (how to get them working), but it shouldn't be difficult, worse comes to worse and I may be able to get someone to help me. Anyway, thank you for the input and support. :)

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I think this would be a brilliant enhancement. I hope you go through with this.


I will, as soon as I find someone that can set up the textures I make in the GECK for me to overlay onto the armors. You wouldn't happen to be one such person, would you? :D

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Okay, found someone that should be able to implement them, and I have sent off some test textures to see how this goes, hopefully, without a hitch. :)
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Hey, if you have some textures variants, I'll nab them and set them up for you. I've tinkered with this idea a good deal, but I've never made textures before and therefore it isn't going so well.

I've been trying to pull this off for quite a while, but I'm none to good a producing textures and it always breaks. But I'd be happy to set up the texture set and models for you.

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Hey, if you have some textures variants, I'll nab them and set them up for you. I've tinkered with this idea a good deal, but I've never made textures before and therefore it isn't going so well.

I've been trying to pull this off for quite a while, but I'm none to good a producing textures and it always breaks. But I'd be happy to set up the texture set and models for you.


I already have all but one of the combat armor variants implemented in the GECK on the Slaver combat armor leveled list and on the CondArmorCombat, and RepairCombatArmor list. If you would be willing to nab the newest file from the link up there and make it so they have an even chance as the normal combat armors to show up in shopkeeper inventories, that would be great :)

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... For now, since they have all been small, I have been using duplicate meshes. I know this isn't absolutely needed, so the only thing I would need...

I used to agree with this statement and even advised people to use this approach, but I have reversed my opinion about uploading duplicated vanilla meshes. because:


if you retexture clothing and armors from Fallout 3 by creating new texturesets that reference vanilla meshes then your mod will work as expected unless it is put to use by someone who also has a mod in their load list that replaces vanilla meshes with custom ones. For instance, if a type of overhaul mod not only retextures combat armor but includes a new mesh for combat armor with different UV mapping then your custom texture for combat armor may very well not work properly when your mod is enabled in the same load list.


Personally, I find overhaul mods obtrusive and don't download them, so I can't say how often this sort of situation might arise. But if it can happen then it will happen, so my approach from now on with retextures in my mods will be to create unique items in the GECK that are referenced to uploaded duplicates of FO3 meshes. The additional size of the mod seems like a small price to pay compared to the inevitable irritation caused to mod users when their mods clash.

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