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Problem With Mods And Save Game


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hi...i am using alot of mods like obscuro's, companion Ariana, pets of chorrol, jarrod texture and most of the reality based mods..but now i have a problem, i cant seems to load my save game if i get killed by the enemy. so i have to quit the program and retart again...anyone have the same problem? or anyone have any idea what seem to be a problem? i've check the mod manager for conflict and reduce most of the mods that conflicts (except obscuro's) and now only have minor and very minor conflict, i even merged some of the mods that have no conflict on one another into one coz at first i thought i have to much mods turn on...


can someone help me please....its pretty annoying.....


i also put this thread in the elder scroll forum but i cant seem to be able to see next page of my own thread...o well.. ActionHitman(FIN) in the forum suggest that it might be because the respawn list since i'm using obsuro's oblivian overhaul 1.23 1 week respawn, so i have the problem too..my save game reach 21 MB in size....


anyone else have this problem or any other idea to solve this...




this my conflict report (except the minor and very minor conflicts)


[ANB_Portable_Bedroll.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[FULL_Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul_V_1.23.esp] (unparented) - Active

EDID 'ArnoraAuria' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.

Ariana_Drengr.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)

EDID 'SkillSneak' of record type SKIL conflicts with 1 other plugin.

ZEE-More Realistic Sneaking 1.8 - Sneaking Changes.esp(Record type: SKIL) (Unparented) (Active)


[seasonWeatherforMoreSkyClimates.esp] (unparented) - Active

No conflicts


[MapMarkers.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[Realistic Arena.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[br_anvilchurch.esp] (unparented) - Active

Very minor conflicts


[illumination Within - Glow + Shutters.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[CharGenAmulet.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[MarkerExplore.esp] (unparented) - Active

Very minor conflicts


[inebriation.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[MoreArenaSpectators.esp] (unparented) - Active

No conflicts


[ZEE-More Realistic Sneaking 1.8 - Sneaking Changes.esp] (unparented) - Active

EDID 'SkillSneak' of record type SKIL conflicts with 1 other plugin.

FULL_Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul_V_1.23.esp (Record type: SKIL) (Unparented) (Active)


[DEJ_harvestSacks.esp] (unparented) - Active

EDID 'LootBag' of record type CONT conflicts with 1 other plugin.

1750-1.2f Eng-Life Translated-TESSource.esp (Record type: CONT) (Unparented) (Active)


[Advanced Fletching.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[GuilesHuntsmenLodge.esp] (unparented) - Active

Very minor conflicts


[HTS_getwet.esp] (unparented) - Active

EDID 'ChestVendorPawnbrokerLow01' of record type CONT conflicts with 1 other plugin.

MerchantPlus.esp (Record type: CONT) (Unparented) (Active)

EDID 'ChestVendorTraderHigh01' of record type CONT conflicts with 1 other plugin.

MerchantPlus.esp (Record type: CONT) (Unparented) (Active)

EDID 'ChestVendorTraderLow01' of record type CONT conflicts with 1 other plugin.

MerchantPlus.esp (Record type: CONT) (Unparented) (Active)

EDID 'ChestVendorTraderMed01' of record type CONT conflicts with 1 other plugin.

MerchantPlus.esp (Record type: CONT) (Unparented) (Active)


[saddleBag_noMenu.esp] (unparented) - Active

Very minor conflicts


[slof's Horses Base.esp] (unparented) - Active

EDID 'CompAriHorsePCWhiteAnvil' of record type CREA conflicts with 1 other plugin.

Ariana_Drengr.esp (Record type: CREA) (Unparented) (Active)

EDID 'HorsePaint' of record type CREA conflicts with 1 other plugin.

SkingradAdvanced-ByAyden.esp (Record type: CREA) (Unparented) (Active)


[1750-1.2f Eng-Life Translated-TESSource.esp] (unparented) - Active

EDID 'LootBag' of record type CONT conflicts with 1 other plugin.

DEJ_harvestSacks.esp (Record type: CONT) (Unparented) (Active)


[Oblivion Cats v0.2a.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[skingradAdvanced-ByAyden.esp] (unparented) - Active

EDID 'HorsePaint' of record type CREA conflicts with 1 other plugin.

Slof's Horses Base.esp (Record type: CREA) (Unparented) (Active)


[za_bankmod.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[saurion Red Lights.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[travel2.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[person.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[personprova.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[za_sparring.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[JADImperialApartments01Temple.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[JADImperialApartments02Temple.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[JADImperialApartments03Temple.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[PetsOfChorrol.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[Ariana_Drengr.esp] (unparented) - Active

EDID 'ArnoraAuria' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.

FULL_Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul_V_1.23.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)

EDID 'CompAriHorsePCWhiteAnvil' of record type CREA conflicts with 1 other plugin.

Slof's Horses Base.esp (Record type: CREA) (Unparented) (Active)


[prettyEnh.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[RealBarenziahUncensored.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[DaggerfallBooks.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[MorrowindBooks.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[Reznod_Mannequin.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[Regional-Bounty-Decreasing-v1.2.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[darkrosearmor.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[ArcticFur.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[KB - House of Wonders.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[NewMerchantItems.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[Adventurer's Need.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[MerchantPlus.esp] (unparented) - Active

EDID 'ChestVendorPawnbrokerLow01' of record type CONT conflicts with 1 other plugin.

HTS_getwet.esp (Record type: CONT) (Unparented) (Active)

EDID 'ChestVendorTraderHigh01' of record type CONT conflicts with 1 other plugin.

HTS_getwet.esp (Record type: CONT) (Unparented) (Active)

EDID 'ChestVendorTraderLow01' of record type CONT conflicts with 1 other plugin.

HTS_getwet.esp (Record type: CONT) (Unparented) (Active)

EDID 'ChestVendorTraderMed01' of record type CONT conflicts with 1 other plugin.

HTS_getwet.esp (Record type: CONT) (Unparented) (Active)


[CM Ladies Light Gear.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[WhiteRoseArmor.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[Valuable Art.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[mythsandlegends.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[Growlfs Female Armor.esp] (unparented) - Active

Minor conflicts


[Realistic Merged Plugin.esp] (unparented) - Active

No conflicts

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  • 5 weeks later...
My mod has Merchantplus has been updated and no longer modifies town vendors to fix download new version, make a clean save. That will fix your problem with my mod. Not sure what could be causing your problem. Just letting you know my mod has been updated.
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I don't use most of the mods you mention, but see a similar problem in my game. I believe it is just due to the fact that the game suddenly has to reload everything, while keeping stuff done recently cached, and ends up crashing in the process. It isn't due to conflicts between mods, it's simply having too much information to load/dump.
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