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Non-lethal outcomes in hostile interactions?


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I'm not a modder, just a gamer and a movie fan.

I watched lots of post-apocalyptic movies where the hero has to do bad stuff, not always 'to the death'. Defend himself against really really bad guys who lost all humanity, to the death alright, but also defend himself against human beings who are maybe not wired for a systematic fight to the death. You and I for example, we like to think we will do what it takes to survive, and that peeing your pants when being shot at or threatened at gunpoint only happens to other people. Also we wouldn't all be lucky enough to carry 20 mags of 5.56 rounds and afford shooting everything and everyone.


The movie The Road is a good illustration of a post-apocalyptic scavenger, the main character with his son only has two bullets in his pistol, but he waves it more than twice to defend himself and his son and rob a guy (who robbed them before that).


So I am looking for gameplay mods that remove this fatality in combats, and eventually makes me save ammo :)

-Mods where you don't have to kill a man to take his money and food, and clothes.

-Like, after being hurt they would consider giving up the fight and drop their weapon.

-Where raiders or desperate wanderers attacking you with an inferior weapon (like a knife), would stop doing it when you start pointing a more impressive firearm at them.

-Where you can, like in SWAT4, press a key to yell "drop your weapon or I'll shoot!!" and the guy may actually do it, and then press the same key to yell "Now your caps, now your food, now your clothes".

-With certain thresholds for trying to escape, retaliate, or initiate a "please let me go" dialog where you have the choice to end the combat.

-The other around would be cool too.



In the vanilla game I've seen the AI run out of ammo, and go scared and avoiding. Eventually they will fight back if I stay in the zone with as little gear and hit points as I left them and it ends in the same annoying way: death.


I browsed Nexus for awhile now and I still don't know if there are mods like that, but I'd appreciate directions from other players! I'll leave it to the moderators to move this post to the forum where it fits best.


Thanks for the help!

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This would.... actually be a really cool idea. Mind you, I'm mainly texture work so I would be no good for this, but kudos for the cool idea. :)
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Obviously, if you're going to go changing the AI Packages for every NPC, your mod will conflict with a lot of other mods, but you could probably just implement this as:


1) User Presses Key

2) Evaluate Threat Ratio (http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/GetThreatRatio)

3) If threat ratio < 0.3 drop all items, set AI Package to Flee, evaluate package (evp)


Should be fairly simple to implement (though you'll need FOSE to use the keypress)


For being able to outright threaten people, I think for that your best bet would be to add a new conversation topic for "Give me your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle", evaluate the threat ratio, if > 1, they start combat with you, if it's < 1 they raise alarm, if < 0.3, drop all items. (-- Adding a conversation topic for "everyone" shouldn't be too hard or conflicty :))


I think that's everything you wanted...

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Obviously, if you're going to go changing the AI Packages for every NPC, your mod will conflict with a lot of other mods, but you could probably just implement this as:


1) User Presses Key

2) Evaluate Threat Ratio (http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/GetThreatRatio)

3) If threat ratio < 0.3 drop all items, set AI Package to Flee, evaluate package (evp)


Should be fairly simple to implement (though you'll need FOSE to use the keypress)


For being able to outright threaten people, I think for that your best bet would be to add a new conversation topic for "Give me your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle", evaluate the threat ratio, if > 1, they start combat with you, if it's < 1 they raise alarm, if < 0.3, drop all items. (-- Adding a conversation topic for "everyone" shouldn't be too hard or conflicty :))


I think that's everything you wanted...


Well that ought to be interesting, I hope someone does it :)

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Obviously, if you're going to go changing the AI Packages for every NPC, your mod will conflict with a lot of other mods, but you could probably just implement this as:


1) User Presses Key

2) Evaluate Threat Ratio (http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/GetThreatRatio)

3) If threat ratio < 0.3 drop all items, set AI Package to Flee, evaluate package (evp)


Should be fairly simple to implement (though you'll need FOSE to use the keypress)


For being able to outright threaten people, I think for that your best bet would be to add a new conversation topic for "Give me your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle", evaluate the threat ratio, if > 1, they start combat with you, if it's < 1 they raise alarm, if < 0.3, drop all items. (-- Adding a conversation topic for "everyone" shouldn't be too hard or conflicty :))


I think that's everything you wanted...


Well that ought to be interesting, I hope someone does it :)



I'd love to do it, barring fixing the nuuuuumerous bugs that would come about (:)) it shouldn't take too long... but I'm too easily distracted from my own mod. That comes first! Hey look a butterfly! :o

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wow! I feel less crazy with my ideas, thanks for the inputs! So it seems like there isn't any mod out there already that would do all that stuff.



Nice, you make it sound so simple :)

Of course it's not "everything" but it's a good start! this "threat ratio" however, what factors does it take in account?


Within this subject I guess we should have current hitpoints, player's wielded / used weapon, and the hostile's inventory quantity as well. Because the more value you carry the less you want to give it away I guess.

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wow! I feel less crazy with my ideas, thanks for the inputs! So it seems like there isn't any mod out there already that would do all that stuff.



Nice, you make it sound so simple :)

Of course it's not "everything" but it's a good start! this "threat ratio" however, what factors does it take in account?


Within this subject I guess we should have current hitpoints, player's wielded / used weapon, and the hostile's inventory quantity as well. Because the more value you carry the less you want to give it away I guess.


Here's a nice looooooong description of everything that goes into the threat ratio :) (http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Confidence) I'm not talking about "making it". It's a built in function that's currently used to determine when someone starts running and such :)


The only thing that you'd need to add would be the target's inventory value. This will probably require some messing around with FOSE for GetValue and ListGetNthForm to loop through the inventory of the person. Then I'd scale it to something reasonable like say... 0-0.3 and add that to the Threat Level value to determine if they drop or not... I'll mess around now and see if I can put something quick together to show you how simple it "could" be, but I really don't want to get caught up in implementing it :) Sorry




Okay, I made up a sample thingie, so you can see how it might work. You'll have to figure out the implementation (probably adding it to a quest so it's a conversation topic for everyone). and tweak the values to perfection, but it's a start. (I ran it through the Script validator at http://www.cipscis.com/fallout/utilities/validator.aspx rather than testing it myself. Oh and it requires FOSE)


;Declaring Variables...

short sCount

int iValue

short sInvenLength

ref listInventory

ref itCurrentItem

short sItemCount

short sItemValue

int iStackValue

float fScaledValue

float fMaxValue

float fThreatRatio

float fThreatRatioPlusInventory

ref selfForCrime

set fMaxValue to 0.001 * 300

set listInventory to GetContainer

set sInvenLength to ListGetCount listInventory

set sCount to 0

set iValue to 0

Label 1

set itCurrentItem to ListGetNthForm listInventory sCount

set sItemCount to GetItemCount itCurrentItem

set sItemValue to GetValue itCurrentItem

set iStackValue to sItemValue * sItemCount

set iValue to ( iValue + iStackValue )

set sCount to ( sCount + 1 )

if sCount < sInvenLength

Goto 1


set fScaledValue to iValue * 0.001

if fScaledValue > fMaxValue


set fThreatRatio to GetThreatRatio player

set fThreatRatioPlusInventory to ( fThreatRatio + fScaledValue )

if fThreatRatioPlusInventory < 0.1

	;drop everything

	Label 2

	set itCurrentItem to ListGetNthForm listInventory sCount

	set sItemCount to GetItemCount itCurrentItem

	Drop itCurrentItem sItemCount

	set sCount to ( sCount + 1 )

	if sCount < sInvenLength

		Goto 2


elseif fThreatRatioPlusInventory < 0.3

	;drop weapons and caps

	Label 3

	set itCurrentItem to ListGetNthForm listInventory sCount

	set sItemCount to GetItemCount itCurrentItem

	if ( itCurrentItem.GetEquipType == 5 ) || ( itCurrentItem == caps001 )

		Drop itCurrentItem sItemCount


	set sCount to ( sCount + 1 )

	if sCount < sInvenLength

		Goto 3




	set selfForCrime to GetSelf

	SendAssaultAlarm selfforcrime



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I'm bumping this thread, mainly because I want to see something like this come out and hopefully someone with the time as well as the ability comes across it. Seems like thebritish has a pretty good start, but I'm no scripter.
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