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How do YOU make your characters look?


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Many of the characters I have created do not translate too well into the game. One that looks great in the character creator may, in game, have a very wrong sized nose or a "deer in the headlights" stare.


It took a great while to create a Human Lady that did not look like Geena Davis. When I did make one (early on) who had a different look, one that I really was satisfied with, I found that I had chosen the wrong voice and I finally could no longer stand the constant petulant valley girl b**chiness and I did remove her to the injured reserve file.


The one time I tried to make a male character (actually the ONLY time I made a male character) who would look like me I found that I could recreate the white whiskered, balding red head but the body was so totally wrong. If I weighed as much as the husky male default character my ankles would shatter. Besides, my character wound up looking about thirty five years older than my "older" brother Fergus.


Elven ladies have (I think) far better proportions than do Human Females.....Human ladies seem to have either too broad a shoulder span or to small a head. I have created an entire clan of red headed Elven ladies with full lips, dark almond eyes and small "cute" noses. If I am to follow my creation for a 100 hours or so.... that character must be esthetically pleasing (thank you Adriangi et al). Strangely, each of these clan "related" ladies seem to have developed their own unique personalities through game play. I do not know why.


Lovely game.

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I totally have a thing for elves, so i tend [ i cant stand the vanillas and i cant use the toolset] dl the neatest mops i can beg/find from folks, and give them long hair and ewither bright green, purple or blue eyes sometimes brown, In version of Tinker by Wen spencer, I provide the longest styles i can ,altho i hate the face being covered as most hair mods tend to do, and i want the ears to show!

I dont know why mb like someone said i tend to use blonde or brown hair, [ im blonde and blue eyed too so mb this effects my decisions?]

the males i play are usually the HMN, cant stand the wimpy looking elven males in the vanilla , would love to see a tougher looking version ! It woudl be great to choose heights as well as the body style { per NBAIO } but im grateful to have hte pc version with all these mods to try different looks! I would luv to have more tattoos on body etc but I again am limited by my lack of computer savvy.

I tried dwarves, the females are fun, but i cant stand the way it cuts the cut scenes in the vanlla game so just her eyes are visible.... seems wrong to me, and or w hen they kiss, suddenly the dwarf is like Goliath! [ ishoudl talk im almost 6ft! lol ]. I luv to peruse the character bragging on bioware, they make such awesome faces! but i always dl from here. two peeps from bioware were so nice they allowed me to use their avatar mops! so I seem to make elves and now that we can use any class/origin, i even ended up putting an elf in place of the casteless [ another of my favorite origins! lol I try all the hair colors but mostly its earthen or exotic purple eye tones, and long hair [ my hair is long too, I wonder if its a factor like the other poster said?]

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The characters I have made that I have enjoyed have been my Mages and my Noble Rogue.

So for them, I figured white/pale skin is best because both of them are indoors a LOT. My elven girls are always pale, and I seem to only like them with blonde hair :P. My noble rogue though, has pale skin with black hair.

I think I will try to make a Dalish elf now, so I am forced to make a dark skinned character lol.

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