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[WIP] Malos Fallout Body Resizing Mod


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In the menu i set some globales.

The Item checks, what globals are set and plays the anim

The Itemscript would be deactivated.


Very difficult and i have over 800 lines with timer and stuff like that to check only what is on and what not.

The Menu habe nearly 1300. Did you know that a script cant have more the 1322 Lines :no:


For the player it is OK. But for NPCs not. They need a different script and anims order.

I am not sure if it works in that stadium correctly with the NPCs.


First step is to get a player only Mod to work.

And then, i take a look over the NPCs.

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Well, what ever! You get it working and (please) release something! At that point the gurus of scripting can start suggest how to make it more efficient. Before that we all just have to presume how you did things. :teehee:

This is NOT to bash you in whatever sentence, more the opposite. At least I want to know how you get things working and when you release anything that is peek/poke able (For sure then we know how you coded things to get it working and at that point can start to suggest how to improve it). Well in my little mind this seems to be possible to make more sleek and efficient. I have start to see a workable NPC approach and "knock on wood" I think I found a path! I still hammering out the core, and currently the major core of this path will not need FOSE to run. I will present you an .esp and dictionary how to work it when I debugged it enough to conclude it workable for anything PC or NPC.


Currently creating GECK armor items is a dead end, You must were it (not still know how to kick it working) before it run attached scripts [ also that would take one precious mesh spot for unique items like gems or jewelery or what ever] I want these spots untouched if someone get a more clothing mod available to choose gears like boots, jewelery, glows, body enhancements whatever available! (I know it has some script and playable features but, No! It will not get a run script on gamemode that I want), I struggled with equip and unequip and partly got it to work. Note partly! That is not good enough! Currently I created a Misc item with an attached script and that worked out of the box!!! (without any &%#¤%¤ stupid dependencies) This is for the moment my approach to get a full runnable NPC modified body size mod working.


Kalten1979 , just get PC working to your satisfaction! I will in one or two days give you an .esp for moders to run that work with the body parts you currently have announced, and if you see anomalies in that we can call for expertise how to make this workable for "anything" modified NPC or not. How about that?

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I am nearly done.

I have one Item for the Menu and one to activate the morphing.

The only thing is the time that is needed to check all globals, that take maybe 15 seconds.


If you want to do that for NPCs it would be fine, but i have no idea how you do that, without touching every NPC.

Other stuff like boobs, that we see in the future. You see the feedback is still low and if the Downloads are low too, i dont know.

Thats much work for one or two guys.

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Great to hear it is near finishing. I look forward to play with it :yes:


As you say I currently put "things" in the pants of the NPC I want to modify. I have one always running objects script, and a couple of key items that depending on the amount will when the script is ordered to run control which size a certain body part will have. I currently have three globals that control any NPC that has my object script on them, without need to know exactly whom.


For the moment I use console commands, but later this should be controlled by a game script that check when the PC enters a new world space or house cell to fire up an update request for all modified NPC.

As test playidles I use dukovdrinkstand01, 02 ,03 pretty fun to see a lot of NPC start drinking at the same time, but that also raise a question since these are pretty long animations, and on a NPC change morph session maybe 5-6 animations need to be fired of in a row.


The question is since I think I need to slow down how fast I fire of playidles to change sizes. How long takes one of your morphing .KF files to play?

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Thanks for the clarifications, I have created a timer clock and will revamp my NPC script to be staged then it would be ready for action. Then I just have to wait for your first release to have something real to test with. :smile:
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Great, Also the NPC part is good, if you have a faster and more efficient way to deal scripting NPC than what I currently have made, then let me know. I have a lot of other things do and it's stupid to invent the wheel in parallel.


This is the main item script that is put on any NPC that is wanted to be morphed.


Another script creates a continuous timeupdate with aprox. 0.1 sec detail and put it in MalosBodyClock ten times greater. So my add of 100 for timecheck actually is 10 sec. The rest of the script I hope should be mostly easy to understand.


Global triggers is MalosUpdate, if set to 1 it will check next level, if items of MalosSyncUpdate is not the same as global MalosSyncNr then check if we still running a timer. If that's clear then start to get if we have a stage level on the NPC and start walk through all morph types from the last stage in script.


Tried to use the insert code snippet but the code was almost unreadable with the dark forum skin. Had to attached it instead.

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Theres a player only version and version for all NPCs.

The Main Version is done and works correctly (as far as we see), the NPC version is at this time incompatible with all animations mods that change something on the NPCs.



Thanks Nimbos for your nice feedback and hold up the line in that threat.

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