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Set an actor's scale immediately after spawn with a script?


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use setscale....



Seriously though is this page like a super secret...




That was a bit of a rude way to put it. It's not like I didn't look through that, I missed something. So shoot me.


Thank you for reminding me why I typically stick to only asking a few people in private for help.

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You asked in public you got a answer :tongue:

And you were actually more rude than me, perceiving attitude based on text is herp derp at best, I am actually wondering if that page is a super secret because about 90+% of all scripting questions I see on nexus can be answered with a simple text search on that page

Please good sir do go back to private conversations if you get that offended over 11 words, especially ones that weren't even meant to insult you



Had to go copy this from RIcky Gervais twitter :P

-Offense is taken, not given. No need to disarm the world. Just make yourself bullet proof. Sticks & stones people. Block. Unfollow. Laugh.-

Edited by Darren83
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  • 3 weeks later...

To answer the question directly, as I read it:


A - It's totally possible.


B - Here's how, within your script, to set a randomized scale that will spawn the NPC (or whatever) somewhere between .9 of it's "normal" size and 1.1:

event OnLoad()
	float randomScale = Utility.RandomFloat(0.9, 1.10)

You can alter that range as you like. Or you can easily just set it to be a specific size by swapping the "randomScale" in the parenthesis with a number.


And there you have it.


Need more? PM away.


- David

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