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Need someone with CS 1.0.303 to help


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As you may know the thing to make .lip files for custom voices is broken in the current version, and I have no option to change destinations to install both, so I made the required WAV and mp3 files, both identical, mono, 44.1hz, and the mp3 at 64 bit compression, just like you need. I can e-mail these files to anyone with CS 1.0.303.


It's part of this project, it's 1 audio greeting 1.5 sec long: "Nyaa". The text should be just: Nyaa.


There may be various legality issues(?) with my project here so we can't release it to the public, help and I'll give you a copy of the mod. Of course if someone, based on my main thread, could tell me whether it is legal or not, that would solve some confusion on my part.

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Here's how to have two installs of the CS:

1. Install v1.0.303

2. Rename the 'TESConstruction Set.exe' file to 'TESConstruction Set 1.0.303.exe' (Or something else, but this makes it easy to keep track of which one it is...)

3. Install v1.2.404

4. download LIP Template, and follow the instructions in it's ReadMe.


Now, you'll have a fully functional version of both. :)

(it is quite a long process when you are going to make lip files for many voice files, but it's not too much...)

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