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24 Hour Respawn Help Needed!


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I installed the 24 hour respawn mod to be able to farm more bandits and marauders (fighter character) but having wiped out all my favorite haunts they aren't respawning at all.... Not after 24 hours or 24 days!!


Anyone else had the same problem or know a fix? Deselecting the mod made no difference at all. On the bright side (?) my bit of Cyrodil is now VERY law abiding!

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  Ranger Jon said:
I installed the 24 hour respawn mod to be able to farm more bandits and marauders (fighter character) but having wiped out all my favorite haunts they aren't respawning at all.... Not after 24 hours or 24 days!!


Anyone else had the same problem or know a fix? Deselecting the mod made no difference at all. On the bright side (?) my bit of Cyrodil is now VERY law abiding!


Sounds to me that the changes made by the mod have been saved into your savegame. One reason I personally won't mod the game dynamics is because much of that data is saved into the save game. Also, the people who make the mods don't make a mod to return to default. So in your case you are going to need to obtain or make a mod that will return respawn to 3 days, install that, save your game, uninstall the mod, load the save game, save again, load that save and delete all corrupted saves. It's a sticky situation really... I'm not sure if the respawn can be configured VIA the console, so I'm not aware of any way to remedy this through the console.

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i once attempted to use two mods that had a similar problem, the oblivion time mod and a 12 hour respawn thingy for theft purposes :happy: unfortunately the readme's :P said that i needed to start an entirely new game, like from the prison beginning for the mods to take effect soooo i dropped the plot, but are you sure that is not the case with you so that your saved game may have been damaged in the process. in that case i would turn the mod off and reload an earlier save...or try a desperate attempt of asking the author via PM to pretty please make a fix, if that save was ultra precious for you...thats all i can think of sorry, good luck.
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