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Blue Screens of Death

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Well I run XP 32 home, I remember there being the RAM issue, so I ended up using 2Gb of actual ram, then 1Gb of RAM on the video card, maxing it out to the 3Gb. But if I were to say look at my system discription it would only say 2Gb. So it's only rumor that your video card memory comes into play. However XP only uses about 300k or 400k at idle, then Fallout 3 is only going to use 700k to 1.2Gb of the actual RAM. So it's not like you'll fill it up an be maxed out. Besides there is still the page file, which windows says, or the gamer rule of thumb, being 2X the amount of actual ram you have. You set that up in control panel/system/advanced I reckon. I normally just use what windows says, but not a system managed size. It has min an max settings, so initially it's like 2046 an maxed at 4092, something like that.


A page file if you were wondering is the system cache, otherwise known as virtual memory. Basicly areas set up on the hard-drive that are used like memory. Windows XP defaults to a system managed size on the hard-drive which has the O/S installed. You see this as the Green area that can't be moved when you defragment. You could look into it. I end up putting a page file on both hard-drives, custom size, Initial size 2046 Max size 4092. It recommended 3069, so I might be better off in the long run setting up by that rather than the "rule of thumb" but it doesn't make that much difference.


Loose DIMM can cause BSOD, yah they get hot an work their way out over time, that's why there are those little locks on them. I'd say use 2Gb or 3Gb or memory, but be sure to check each DIMM. Basicly you turn off the computer, then unplug it, turn the switch on the power supply off if it has one, then once that is done, press an hold the powerbutton, then open the case, touch a metal screwdriver every few seconds or as much as possible to avoid static, then unlock the DIMM grab with both hands an pull it straght out. maybe give it a wiggle, but like they said, be real careful. Same thing when you install them, touch metal before you start working, then put the DIMM in pressing on the two ends with yer monkey like thumbs, might even have to wiggle just a tiny amount, but not too hard, just enough to get the locks to engauge.


Might as well address your future heat issues while you are in there, basicly clean the dust off all the things in there, make sure you have lots of airflow around the Grapics card in particular, maybe install more fans, then use filters on the fans as a way to avoid having to clean it every month. Some folks will go as far as to clean the heat spreaders, in any of the hardware, the grapics card in particular, which isn't always easy to get to that part, as it's covered with a fancy cover. Cleaning a PC is just as risky as not cleaning it, if you don't clean it then it doesn't deal with heat as well, but if you clean it you very well could break something in the process, best to weigh that option before you go digging around in there with your monkey hands, ou ou ah ah, yah I don't worry about it until I have to because of that.

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So far everything looks good, and i dont want to screw it up. However, my current game now really lacks weapons and i was thinking of adding this mod that adds in 81 weapons. (you should should use it too!) but it MIGHT be incompatible with FWE (which i am using). And im afraid that imcompatibility might cause the freakin BSODs again.


This the mod link:



81 weapons! :O its a good mod. go use it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

HOLY poo. THE PROBLEM IS BACK! What i did was update my nvidia drivers and the situation was IMPROVED. But not 100% fix. Omg im at a loss again...i hope new vegas wont be like this.


The wierdest and most f***-up thing about it is that i only get the Blue Screen of Death when i press V (vats mode) SOMETIMES. If i play the game without using vats at all, it is smooth and wont give me any problems.

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