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Dragon Age vs. Mass Effect 2


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I admit it IS kind of like comparing apples and oranges but they are the two best games I have ever played at least.


I think in terms of overall epicness Mass Effect 2 has DA beaten because of many small things, especiallu the music, the dialogue with voiced characters...it almost feels like a movie. DA is much, much longer, which has its benefits on the one hand but sort of curtails its epicness. Also, I am much more excited about ME3 than I am about DA2; perhaps because the decisions you took carry over...well, supposedly.


Which one do you prefer?

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I can't choose Star... I love them both. How could you make my choose! ME series has been in our shelves longer but DA has so much going for it. I'll choose the middle ground and say that they are all special in their own way.
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to be honest i prefer mass effect as both the character, decisions and if your reneage or not carries over, so say in me1 you were bad all through it killed everything that entered your paths including innocents , then in me2 the innocents that you killed would no longer be living and the place that they were staying at would be disbanded (it would say something over the radio or whatever it is they used), also whoever you romanced in me1 would be in me2 and would say something different to say if you were just friends or made a new character file in me2 instead of continuing


so my vote would be ME2 all the way as da2 is not a game hwere you would carry on the same character

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BW never stated that DA2 will be a direct sequel from DA:O (the whole DA franchise is about Thedas not the heroes), however BW did say that the story of the Warden is not over yet, so I would expect another game or expansion that deals with the Warden. ME however is stated to be a trilogy about Shepard and is a direct sequel as BW wanted it to be cinematic.
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BW never stated that DA2 will be a direct sequel from DA:O (the whole DA franchise is about Thedas not the heroes), however BW did say that the story of the Warden is not over yet, so I would expect another game or expansion that deals with the Warden. ME however is stated to be a trilogy about Shepard and is a direct sequel as BW wanted it to be cinematic.


I am kind of sad that ME will end with 3 parts...I just hope that ME3 is MASSIVE, at least twice and long as ME2 and back to 50/50 roleplaying/shooter rather than 70/30 shooter/rpg (which I like, I just think the final installment should be massive).

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Err you guys should hold on until "Dragon Effect 2 " will be released.

Who reads the news about DA2 should know what I mean.

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BioWare: Ah "yes"... Dragon Effect... We have dismissed those claims


Seriously those even though I'm not too pleased in the way BW is handling DA I'm still curious into the story of DA2 and how the events of DA:O effects DA2. We know nothing beyond wild rumours and I don't want to base my judgment on those rumours that people keep bringing up. We'll see more when the trailer is released.

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For me the choice is easy; Dragon Age, hands down. I have to admit that I did enjoy Mass Effect 2 more than I expected to. In fact I thought it was a great game. But I just don't enjoy the guns and space ships as much as I do the older, mythological type games, with dragons, etc. And even though ME2 had the character speech, I thought the character story lines in DAO were also quite good. And I didn't really care for too many of the characters in ME2. A couple were ok, but I couldn't warm up to them as well as a few in DAO.
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