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New Meshes for Docks


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i've been looking for a reason to learn Nifscope and Blender and such for a while now, so if no ones interested maybe that'll be the catalyst i need, but i figure i'll ask first.


anyone proficient in making new meshes and collisions, willing to make a mesh for DockStr4way01 that would essentially make it similar to the farmhouse walkway family by removing the posts (except on the four corners) and the support beams beneath? i've dug through all the modders resources i can find on the nexus and tesalliance and planet elderscrolls, and no one seems to have touched this or made anything similar.


i'm making a mod, that will probably never see the light of day cause it sucks anyway, that's using a lot of these and it's tough the get them to not look like a clusterf*ck when put together, to essentially make streets over the water with buildings and entryways being difficult to situate around the existing meshes


if i could just get rid of the damn middle posts....


or even better anyone know of an already existing set they could point me to?


any help is appreciated!




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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: i just popped it in the ck and its fantastic!! i really like the multi color addition. the area im trying to build is a bit more impoverished than alot of pieces really have the look for. this is seriously perfect! youre awesome!!

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