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House Furniture Overhaul


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I'm surprised no one though of this yet but what if you made a mod that changes how hearthfire works. so that when you craft your furniture for each room you can pick from the entire list but you place each item from inside your inventory. so that you can move around and place the furniture where you want. and then have a branch open for plugins so that you can install different furniture types and sets. and even have plants and water fixtures availble in your house. so if you want to have a huge underground pool with waterfalls you could. which also brings in more oppertonity for the mod. make it that the rooms attached to your house are cells of their own giving much more space, and have the ability to clear out more rooms under ground. maybe even the ability to rig up some machines in a RP way to perform certain tasks in immersion. or if your into the idea of having your own litle town around the hearth fire houses have the dungeon be in the house. also it would solve sorting issues you could have a chest for each ore and ingot. you could even spruce up the crafting area in the cellar so that your forging deep underground using magma as your heat source. or prehaps you would like to set up a small Harem style house for your followers and House Carl's (If you have them) you can! of course to extend the house can cost gold for the supplies and the deeper you get the more expensive it gets.


Just figured i would share what i thought of while looking for a player home for my demonic character. (sadly didn't find what i was looking for)

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