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Cannot create characters in either DA:O or DA:A


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Have had to an install using the v1.03 patch to play Leliana's song and darkspawn Chronicles. Put on the mods I want to use to play the Origins game and Awakenings (not put on the character creator yet, but have put on the toolset even tho it wont work). Tried to play Awakenings as an Orlesian Commander but I get nothing. Went thro the creation process and ended up with a character but it wont equip armor weapons etc. Am at a total loss as I've spent the last 4 days m ucking about getting different DLCs to work when all I want to do is play.


I have a terminally ill husband and when I get time to myself I want to chill and kill something. (Strange I know but what the hell, got to take my frustrations out on something.)


Please please please can someone tell me what the hell is going on or should I wait for the new patch and just make do.


Thanks Naomi

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Sorry to hear about the problem(s). :confused:


Not sure what's going on, but have you tried a complete un-install/re-install of just DA:O and A? No DLC, no mods, no toolset, just the base game and the expansion (letting DA:A automagically patch you to 1.03).


I did multiple full re-builds when I was troubleshooting the CtDs that 1.03 caused on my system. The "Keep Existing Characters and Saved Games" option worked for me without a hitch.


If you've already tried this, what happened?


If not, might try.

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  • 3 weeks later...

After a week of unending struggle to get the toolset working I succeeded this morning in the wee small hours. After some rest I got back into it and loaded my character mods, presets, mors etc and tested. Worked beautifully with v1.03 installed and toolset. loaded rest of my mods and low and behold after another couple of hours rest got up and decided to make a couple of new characters, no ingame character creator (attach a couple of screenshots for you to look at).


Any ideas.....

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Go to your My "Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\modules\Single Player" folder and see if there is a file there called "SinglePlayer.cif" If there is, delete it and you should be good to go. My toolset stuffs that file there every time I export something and it prevents the character creation screen from loading.
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Don't appear to have a modules folder. Is that a problem?
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No but that SinglePlayer.cif file may be present elsewhere and be causing the problem. You may want to try a search elsewhere but do not delete the one in the "C:\Program Files\Dragon Age\modules\single player" folder because that is the one that gets your game set up. Your install directory may be different but you should have a good idea where it is. Any other instances of that file should be ok to delete. If you are in doubt, just add ".old" at the end of the file name instead of deleting.


If that doesn't solve the problem, I'm not sure what the cause would be.

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Have taken off all mods and its back. Will start to add them as before. If I can verify which mod I'll let you know. Will also run a search for the file you have mentioned as my set up files are kept on a different directory to the c:\. Makes it easier for me to find and correct issues.


Thank yoy for your help so far.




Did a search and there is only one file and that is in the setup files (haven't touched it)

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Created some characters in the Character Generator (having only the cosmetics mods enabled and loaded) imported them into the game and started loading other mods one by one. On trying to load the human noble characters I get told the module can't load and the game goes back to main menu. Human mages and elven characters play normally so cann't understand what's happening with my noble characters.


Will attempt to create one and run to Ostagar then save and reload to see what happens, but I don't hold out much hope.

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When I try to load one of the Noble Human characters I created I get the message "Can't load module" the elven characters and human mages are fine its just the noble human ones.


Any ideas????

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  • 3 weeks later...

check for any module_core.ncs (script) you may have in override, remove to desktop just to test if new character creation works

also buddy, make a backup of your toolset project folder and any manifest xml in mydocs/dragonage/addins/yourprojectsfoldernamenonotthisnametheoneyounamedit [:P], copy to desktop


open toolset and go to tools>export>empty export dir

be warned that this will Clean you out, which is why i said make backup, this will ensure that anything toolset related it may have puked into any dir will be vaporized


character craetion bug is being caused elsewhere though and most likely in override dir with loose/single file that would otherwise be overlooked if dazipped (as far as it taking priority over the standard dao config, and since this is not the case it means this file is ahead of the line hence the "override", at least thats what came to mind with what i read here)


best of a luck buddy ;]

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