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UV dosent work


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Read the very long readme, this will tell you exactly how to get the mod to work. I would also recommend using Oblivion Mod manager to convert it into an OMOD, but it still requires you to read the ENTIRE readme to find out what you need to do to make the mod work.
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What is your load order, and do you have OBSE installed? Installing the UOP would not halt your character's motion. Your setup is wrong.


Please, post your load order http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/index.php?page=know_how_to#PostYourLoadOrder


A few more questions: What OS are you running? Where is Oblivion installed? and please answer the question about OBSE

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no dont have obse,OS? what load order?

UV -http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24936 <-- Look at the requirements. There are a number of them, including OBSE and Pluggy, which depends on it.


There are instructions on how to post your load order on the page I linked. It seems you are very new to mods...


New Users Guide - http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/#new_users_guide <-- Please, do not hesitate to ask questions. I am on my way to bed, but there are other helpful users prowling the forums and I will check back tomorrow.



Edit: Load Ordering - http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/index.php?page=load_order

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OS is operating system like Windows XP, Vista, or 7, Load order is the order your programs are activated when you start Oblivion. Click on the underlined items on Tomlongs post and read what it says, it contains instructions for you to follow to post your load order so other people can look at it and tell you what to add or change.You should also read his Installation Guides in his "signature". I do not have a link for the most current version of Oblivion Script Extender(OBSE), but you do need it to run Unnecessary Violence properly.
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I'll only add the UV is not the best starter mod. Getting OBSE installed is not so bad, but you have to learn a lot about mods all at once to get it up and running. Pluggy is not a standard addition to a modified setup, although it is quite popular. The HUD version is even less "standard." For one, it has some known bugs. #2, you have to modify a certain setting to activate the HUD feature. I do not even know how to go about making the tweak because I have not used Pluggy's HUD feature.
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i dont get anything i uprgaded it to 1.2.416 but when i start up OBSE it says i have the older version and have to update it

I think it is checking your ReadMe, the one for Oblivion in the Oblivion folder. What OS are you running and where is Oblivion installed?



Edit: Which version of Oblivion are you using: Steam, GOTY or regular?

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