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UV dosent work


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The Readme.txt in the Oblivion folder is Oblivion's, the game's, ReadMe


Anyhew, I think the problem has to do with the fact that you are on Win7 and the game is installed in the default location. Nearly, every Oblivion utility is going to fight with the UAC while the game is installed in that folder. Reinstall the game to C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks, patch the game, and proceed as normal (install OBSE, etc.) You should have fewer problems after doing that. OBSE certainly should be fine after making that change.

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here is how it is intsalled C-programs-bethesda software-oblivion.where should i move it

At the window where you get to choose the install location, enter "C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks". (FYI: The install will create a folder, if it does not already exist.) As long as the folder does not already exists on a fresh install of Windows, the folder will not be under UAC protection unless you set it to be.

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nope still says that i have a previous version btw im using cd crack



Seems your time here has run out. We do not support those who do not support the game developers. -myrmaad


For the record, your issue was caused as a direct result of using a crack to get around the CD check. Your crack interfered with the way OBSE functions, and as a result breaks any mods which require OBSE to function. Furthermore, as these cracks often come from dubious sources, they often contain malware, viruses, or just are just simply designed to break the very game they are for. So, if you did not illegally download the game, you have no reason to use a crack, and if you did illegally download the game, you're just plum out of luck.


- Vagrant0

Edited by Vagrant0
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